BLS , SBB and, apparently, the Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern were charging money from the pot for the regional public transport incorrectly. The latest cases show a non-culture, of how tax money is handled. Over the years, it was incorrectly billed, and no one wants to have it up today noticed. The throws, neither the transport companies nor the Federal government in a good light.

This also has to do with the complexity of today’s system in the public transport. The number of PTAs increased in the last few years. In contrast to earlier a number of cantons per network are involved. This inevitably leads to a complicated System, mistakes can happen – but, of course, and should not be.

in Addition, the impression that the Confederation and the cantons in the past for the sake of simplicity, four times with a lid. In the Wake of the post-car-scandal, is now– quite rightly – more transparency and a more accurate payroll requires. The now ongoing investigations, the logical consequence thereof.

The Federal government must be able to detect such errors earlier.

In the case of the BLS added that she is overwhelmed with the newly required transparency and the complexity is quite evident. Who wants to rise itself as a major competitor to the SBB, you must have such things better in the handle. Otherwise, it is not clear why the BLS should in the future play a more important role in long-distance transport.

only the transport companies do not have to But the books. The Federal government has missed its controls the growing complexity of the system. It is not just a matter of simplifying the System, as the Federal government is now calling for. This is because the transport companies are responsible for ensuring that you are billing correctly. The Federal government must be able to detect such errors earlier.

Created: 28.02.2020, 20:05 Uhr