His story would be a book value, which could be made into a movie. It is reminiscent of “Cool Runnings”, which was well-known Comedy about the first Jamaican bobsled team, the play in 1988 at the winter Olympic games in Calgary at the Start. Only Amadou Krubally is not sitting in a sleigh, but on a. The first to Gambier, he wants to fight in the Skeleton an Olympic starting place. And he sets out to realize his dream.

in 2013, had left Krubally his home and his large family (three sisters, five brothers). Due to his difficult personal Situation – poverty and few prospects of a Job; the Gambia is among the poorest countries in the world – he saw himself forced to flee. Like many other refugees, the young man risked his life to go in a small boat across the Mediterranean to Europe.

The fate was on his side. Krubally travelled in the train from Italy to Germany, to visit his Cousin. On his way he met a Zurich-born, the two exchanged spontaneously and were a loving couple. In 2016, they got married, since then, Krubally lives with his wife in Zurich. The 27-Year-old is aware of: “I had, in many respects, very lucky.”

Of the tartan track on the ice

to summarize here and to integrate as well as possible, he joined 2018 FC Erlenbach. “Already as a Boy, I often played football,” says Krubally. The in the 5. League game at the end of the first team of the Zurich Association, half from domestic players and other young refugees. The Gambier is the centre-forward. “The one who shoots the goals,” he smiles. However, it gets cooler, comes Krubally, which is now a part-time job as a disabled carer and continue the integration of visited school, little more to play Football.

Because he has discovered winter sports. First of all, the skiing – “that brought me to my father-in-law” – and then Skeleton. His sprint skills have led him to the ice. In addition to football Krubally trained in the athletics group of the TV Unterstrass. “10,58 seconds over 100 metres is my fastest time.” His speed training colleague and Skeleton Athlete Max Goldmann impressed. “He invited me to a Training on the launching of car in Dinhard at Winterthur,” says Krubally.

As it is, on the carriage head forward a track, down zuflitzen, experienced the Gambier until several weeks later. He was allowed to accompany the Swiss Skeleton Team to Innsbruck. “The pace and the adrenaline rush” have it Krubally done, although the first journey “very adventurous”. On the way, he thought several times: “Why am I doing this?” Now he no longer asks this question, but rather, how he could still be faster.

“to be able To give me a suit and sleigh make, I worked for months at McDonald’s.”Amadou Krubally

After its Premiere in the ice channel Krubally looked at his wife, “Cool Runnings” in the TV and wants to join the likes of the Jamaicans. “The 2022 winter Olympics are my big goal,” he says. And him a next project in mind already: “A bobsled team from the Gambia reasons, and this as a Pilot to the winter games.”

most people are astonished when they find him at the ice track. Sometimes he crop looks weird. “Most, however, have joy, and some even want to take Selfies with me,” says Krubally proud of. A special anecdote he experienced during a training session in Winterberg: “I was in front of the Start so nervous that I forgot the helmet to put on.” But no one, not even the track, the supervisors noticed that he completed a ride without head protection. “Because my hair is as black as my hat,” he smiles.

all hard served

In his current projects Krubally invested a lot of time and money. “To be able to my own suit and a sleigh make, I worked next to my Job for months at McDonald’s.” Also, the trip to Innsbruck, the lake Königssee or the Winterberg, where the Gambier trained in each case, costs quite a bit. A private Coach is not there; Krubally tried to correct his driving errors with self-contained video study and improve themselves. He gets a Trainer from the International Bob and Skeleton Federation (the IBSF is promoting small Nations), to share these, but each with ten athletes from other countries.

Alone in the target zone While you’re Exercising Amadou Krubally (27) usually has to fend for itself. (Photo: PD)

With support from the home is not to be expected. Either his countrymen have too little money or “can’t donate because you have no credit card,” he says. And that the government of a country in the winter sports all debt is, a Skeleton driver reaches under the arms, is unlikely. The Gambier, which begins in the summer, a training apparatus glass blower financed, currently all by yourself, in order to fulfil his dream to get closer.

In the next Winter he wants to start in the Intercontinental Cup and then “hopefully as soon as possible” in the world Cup since the Olympic leads to a qualification. “I have to learn all of the racecourses, and every curve,” said Krubally. Travel to Latvia, Russia, or China they float in front of him.

But, who knows, maybe the late beginner will have the fate back to his side and finds a patron. One that is ready, the “Black in the black suit” (so Krubally itself) is titled in the Skeleton more or to bring to the Olympic games.

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Created: 28.02.2020, 09:08 PM