The League said Friday all the games of the weekend. Mind games were not an Option?
mind games were an Option, but it was weighed. With the spirit of play miss the Clubs significant amounts. In the case of a Super League Club, the match revenues in an average of 30 to 40 percent of annual revenue. In addition, the spirit of the games would have brought within such a short period of major organisational difficulties.

On Monday, the League and the Clubs are meeting next decisions. Are in addition to displacements, or the Spirit of other scenarios possible?
I don’t see any.

do not Go out for additional shifts in the dates because the schedule is so tight?
We are in the midst of the analysis, to present to the Clubs at the mounting options. In addition to the game plan, it is a question that we have to deal with financial and legal questions.

What problems are these exactly?
questions in connection with the TV and Marketing contracts, for example, for Clubs and League of pre-eminent importance. The decision to cancel round, we were logically in the exchange with our most important partners.

The League, with the sale of TV and marketing rights to 40 million francs per season. How did tele-club, which shows all the games in Pay-TV?
With understanding. However, it is also logical: For a Pay-TV channel can also be games, to the exclusion of the Public interest. We as a League need to look at the Situation, however, in a holistic way. Our members are the Clubs. And in the case of the Clubs major financial issues in the room.

Several weeks of mind games: Grayed out you of this idea?
Absolutely. That would be almost a Worst-Case scenario. Just a little would be even worse: players, the demolition of the championship put.

What happens if a player of a team is infected?
Then the decisions are no longer in our hands. I assume that in such a case, the entire crew is in quarantine and no longer could play would.

YB, and the FCB put on a good home game around one Million Swiss francs. However, even with small Clubs like Thun, there are significant amounts. Could do several mind games of Swiss Clubs to the edge of Ruin?
The home game revenue for the Swiss club of great relevance. Therefore: Yes, this is a risk.

Could help the League when liquidity shortages arise?
we are currently analysing. One thing is clear: We are not the Bundesliga or the Spanish La Liga with the big financial possibilities. We have certainly the happiness to have a very successful national team, which brings us a certain amount of funds. This is money that we pass on directly to the Clubs. In addition, we are facing a Euro, the us money – if it is happening.

The Premier League has played, although at the same time the games took place in the Champions League. The Uefa forbids it, actually. It is conceivable, that also the Super League on European Cup nights plays?
The big leagues foutieren, in part, to the ban. What is available for you on the game? It is the solidarity payments by Uefa. For the Premier League, these amounts are Peanuts. For us, however, they are relevant.

you Can quantify these amounts?
In the past, there were around 500’000 Swiss francs per Super League team that played in the group stage of the European Cup. Because this season is no Swiss Team in the Champions League, it will be only about 100’000 Swiss francs per Club. If we move further game days, we come around, the games of the European Cup evenings out. I also think that we would find due to the circumstances, a solution with Uefa.

“The first objective of us all must be, that as little as possible people to infect, and that we get the Coronavirus in the handle.”Claudius Schäfer, CEO of the Swiss Football League

Super League in parallel to the European Cup: Goes the at all, as long as the FCB is still in the Europa League?
FC Basel is still in championship, Cup and Europa League. The course is very nice and just in terms of the Europa League is also very important for the entire Swiss soccer . It is ordinary Situation but in this, except for an organizational knack nut.

the extension of the season Is in spite of EM an Option?
This is difficult, because of the international calendar, forcing the players for the national teams to turn off (from 1. June, on the 12. June to start the EM). Maybe it is possible to move the Barrage to the back and that was the end of the Super League a little later. In addition, the question of what happens in other countries. I can’t imagine that Switzerland remains an island in the middle of Europe, with regard to the Coronavirus.

Would it be possible for more than two games per week, and compete to get: Around Tuesday, Friday, Sunday?
We are in an extraordinary Situation. Since such scenarios have to have space.

Now were not cancelled only at the professional level, all of the games, but up to the juniors. Is that not excessive?
no, I can understand this decision very well. As a League we are a part of the Central Executive Committee of the Swiss football Association and contribute to this decision. The cantons have for events up to 1000 people, different rules. In soccer we have with the decision is a clear, clean attitude, the applies to all. I can also understand if some consider the measure as excessive, but I would like to one point: We are now talking about technical things, financial matters, suspended games… The first objective of us all must be, that as little as possible people to infect, and that we get the Coronavirus in the handle.

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