The League wants for the time being to move all of the games and at the earliest on the 3. April more play. This is a good decision?

Yes. It is reasonable to wait until after the national team break, because it still has a little air in the schedule – even if then four days plus the Cup will need to be rescheduled quarter-finals. The clubs want to prevent for financial reasons games without spectators necessarily. However, the really big questions are likely to be postponed just a month back. The Virus is 3 to on. April from Switzerland to say goodbye.

it Is possible that the championship is cancelled? And, it has already happened once?

The Clubs want to play the season to the end. Nevertheless, it is realistic that the season is canceled. Then, if a player or coach infect with the Virus. In this case, all the teams and Clubs would have to be quarantined. Since 1898, there were always a champion – even during the two world wars. Only the title in 1923, was not awarded. Was known to the FC Bern, because he had not used eligible players.

there Were Clubs that were for mind games?

According to the information of this newspaper, the Grasshoppers, Lausanne Stade Lausanne to continue with spirit play voted out of the Challenge League. From the Super League to just FC Zürich.

The Swiss football League informed the Public. (Video: Eva Tedesco/Tamedia)

it Could make the club financially until the end of the season, only the mind playing games? Or Clubs could go at all because of the Coronavirus bankruptcy?

bankruptcy would be for more Clubs a realistic scenario. All the Swiss Clubs in the European comparison of Tickets sold is dependent on. On the average, 30 percent of the revenue with home is games. But there are even clubs where this value is above 40 percent. YB and Basel could cope with the losses thanks to their cushion halfway. Tuna, however, would get in trouble, should be held in the Derby against YB from the next round in front of empty stands. The ratios highlight: St. Gallen of 500 000 Swiss francs of profit from the two Games against Zurich and Thun. Basel takes only with VIP and ticket is around a Million Swiss francs per game.

Thinks the League to apply for the Federal subsidies in the event that you must play without spectators?

Yes. Claudius Schäfer said in the Tamedia-Podcast “third half”: “Even if the sounds for many of the absurd, is something we need to discuss.” The CEO of the Swiss Football League will work together in discussions with the Federal Council, the Swiss ice hockey. Shepherd says: “Sport has for Switzerland, not only an emotional value. The football offers, according to a study of 3300 full-time. This is the Size of a medium-sized cantonal Bank.”

Who would be champion, would be canceled the season?

On it there is still no official answer. St. Gallen is currently in front of the point of the same YB Leader. In the winter break, when all Teams had played against each opponent home and away, were the Young Boys in the front. But probably neither of St. Gallen would call YB to master – there is simply no Champion in 2020. The season would have to be cancelled, this would already lead to many questions. Who will play in the European Cup, in which competition? Who goes down? Who?

Until what time must be played the season to the end?

From 1. In June, the national team players for the Euro must be parked in preparation. The League thinks that, theoretically, even up to just before the EM may be played. Other ideas are pure speculation. About whether the season will at best be only after the EM, and thus the summer ended. But that would be very confusing, because then the next season could be starting in the autumn, and therefore only shortening is performed.

The FC Zurich should have the vote, “mind games, Yes or no” included. (Photo: Keystone)

The European Federation Uefa bans games at a time with rounds of the Champions League or Europa League matches. Uefa relaxes this prohibition?

Several European leagues, Uefa have asked for this ban to be lifted. It is assumed that the European Association fails to comply with this request, especially as soon significantly more European leagues likely to be affected by the Coronavirus. Since the Champions League games start at 21 at, for example, a scan time of 19 hrs. one way.

the Clubs Pay back the money for Tickets already purchased, when the games take place without Fans or not?

This is from Club to Club in different ways. According to the Tickets of Servette will be refunded in the case of a game cancellation, the money-back. On the year cards of the FC Basel is, however, explicitly state that in the event of a cancellation or a spirit no money paid back will play. Nevertheless, the Club is trying to decide whether he should respond to the ticket owners in the Form of free tickets to Play in the Swiss or European Cup. Also YB, and other Clubs are thinking in a similar direction. For example, if in the next season a game may free of charge be visited, should you stay on a purchased Ticket seat. In Lugano President Angelo Renzetti says: “If we have to pay back, we can make the Load equal to the sealing.”

Is the League or the Clubs are insured against the loss of income?

The League has, like most Clubs no insurance, because this would be much too expensive. It has been clarified in the world. Basel checks, whether the loss of revenue could be covered. Game cancellations because of a possible pandemic is likely to run in accordance with Swiss law, the term “force majeure”. In this case, many insurance policies are null and void. The reverse Sion’s President Christian Constantin has registered players and coaches in the unemployment insurance and relies on force majeure. However, this may only be for people with permanent contracts to short-time working at the Regional employment registered. Footballer and coach, but in General, fixed-term contracts.

The FC Basel has a Problem. (Photo: Keystone)

Why the FC Basel is a major Problem in scheduling?

Because he is still represented in three competitions. He loses in the Europa League eighth-final in March against Eintracht Frankfurt (if these matches are played), defused the issue. Otherwise, he could be riding in April on the game data of the European Cup quarter-finals with no Super-League-Supplement games, best. According to the League, but there are even scenarios in a semi-final in Basel.

How realistic is it that starting from 16. March spectators are allowed?

Very unrealistic. When the Federal Council decided last week to prohibit events of 1,000 participants or spectators, there were only 15 Coronavirus cases in Switzerland. If he must, at the latest, to judge by the end of next week, as it continues, is likely to be significantly more.

What are the measures Clubs about their players?

All clubs adhere to the standards of the Federal office for health. The FCB has established, among other things, in dressing rooms, offices, and on the Junior Campus disinfectant dispenser. This is also the case of the other Clubs in the case. YB-players have been advised not to travel in their leisure time, necessarily, to the North of Italy. But there is no Train or train station ban for the player exists.

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Created: 02.03.2020, 21:16 PM