1. What makes your team during the enforced break? There are test matches?

Sven Leuenberger (ZSC Lions) : “From Tuesday to Friday we train in the normal, after that, the players have three days. We would like to complete a training game, unless we find a meaningful opponent. Rappi, for example, was from geographical Considerations, our favorite, want to ride no Matches best. Of course, such a game would take place without an audience, anything else would be implausible.”

Reto Kläy (EV train): “We train all normal and give the players a few free days. Whether we are riding a test game best, is still open. Possibly there is simply a against our ECC Academy.”

Raeto Raffainer (HC Davos): “We have decided games to deny, screws instead, the training intensity high and with a broader cadre work.”

2. You are afraid that your team loses due to the longer break, which could expand even further with the voltage?

Leuenberger: “If on 17. March can be played, then it should not be so problematic, the voltage has to be restored. Because at the last national team Break, we had a 13 day break and we have done very well to trade in these. However, with each additional shift that would be an ever bigger challenge.”

Kläy: “Ultimately, this Situation is the same for all. We need to set the focus to the fact that on 17. March is played. And this is not the case, then we need to put the focus on the new, without making a Drama. The player should be able to focus on what you can affect and tune everything out if possible. But clearly, this Situation is all a mental Test.”

Raffainer: “We assume that we are at the 17. March play. This must be our attitude, everything else would be good for the training course.”

3. What is to be taken for precautions to prevent Coronavirus infections within the club?

Leuenberger: “measures We have issued sheets, with the usual recommendations. Also we use since last week on the Bank, sweat cloth, which is thrown after a single use in a bucket and then washed. Otherwise, we build on common sense. We have not given the players on the way to travel during your days abroad. Or if someone is expecting a visit, ask where have been the people.”

Kläy: “The guidelines are clear and rich in front it also. Otherwise, we bet on the fact that the players are Mature enough to take preventive certain precautions, such as not in large crowds of people to stop.”

Raffainer: “We had to cope with in December and January in Davos, a gastro-intestinal Virus. As then, we need someone to come forward with the symptoms of illness, and certainly not in the wardrobe runs. And we finish the wardrobe, so that only the players and the Staff come in. We have also taken preliminary our team supervisor Paul Berri from the operation. This is for his own protection, because he is 80 years old and the at-risk group belongs to.”

Created: 03.03.2020, 14:13 PM