11. March, 34, will marry soon. Have you been studying job listings?
no, no. Because I am privileged in comparison to most of the other Swiss cross-country skiers: I have earned with my Sport, good money, can let me time the question of what follows. Therefore, I can now focus entirely on this final athletes phase, without the need for a training approach. This security and peace of mind are valuable.

you Have had?
I’ve grown accustomed to a high Standard. (laughs) Seriously: I would also like to work and find employment that brings me joy. Although I will hardly experience the same enthusiasm as in the current daily life, I’m aware of.

Can you imagine, to choose a classical career. About: Cologna at the SBB counter?
Mmh, hardly. My connection is likely to remain the Sport. So I don’t imagine but the Holding of occasional lectures. I would like to continuous, and be more engaged.

How would it be with two or three children and, thus, Hausmann?
In any case, my partner is better educated and wants to work part-time.

So Hausmann?
at Least I can imagine that I will look to Share with the family.

“I’d be lying if I said I would leave all the cold.”

What is expressed in the last few years: that they found, they were estimated of little value. By whom?
Sometimes from journalists. I always feel that I must defend myself and justify it. Of course, it provides me with critical questions, so I have no Problem with that. But I’ve proven that I know what I’m doing and how I come to success. Finally, no other Swiss winter sports athletes is likely to have been in the past ten years so successful. Nevertheless, it provides a more subtle result of me, sometimes immediately, the question of principle, whether I was good enough.

Are you sometimes a bit of a victim of its own success?
I will constantly be measured in my Golden times. But you have to see: The Situation has changed now that I’m older. Sometimes I wish my critics a question of a little more respect. I should add, however: I am not going to whine and feel in the great Whole, not badly treated.

you are wearing your Sport in Switzerland for years, almost single-handedly. The curse and blessing at the same time?
Determined. A Daniel Yule as part of the Slalom, there are two other Swiss in focus. With us cross-country skiers, much of the focus to me. It will then be discovered quickly: Cologna eliminated in the Sprint, missed out on the more to come. But Slalom is also not downhill, Sprint long since any of my domains, and more. Nevertheless, also applies here: I don’t want to come as Jammeri over, finally, I benefit from the Situation in our country is almost a unique feature.

Cologna is currently being run in the FIS Ski Tour in Scandinavia. (Image: fresh focus)

Sometimes you act in a surprisingly thin-skinned. Recently she found a photo online of what an industry-wrote an insider as a comment below, you’d better be in the world Cup to train in, instead of in Davos. You replicated. You cannot be as four-times Olympic champion cooler?
First of all: usually I don’t respond. Secondly: I would have to be sick or for family reasons absent. That’s why I found the remark strange. In principle, I would weigh better speed. I consider myself in the majority of cases, even if I would sometimes reply like.

Illustrated will be perceived the Episode, as she continues to like you in Public?
of Course, I want to know. Everyone is happy if he gets well. So I’d be lying if I said I would leave all the cold.

Take the phone in Hand and call a critic?
no, I’m not going.

“the impression that I was dishonest came to my Victories remains – that annoys me.”

As in April, the NZZ headline, the service man from Cologna had been interrogated, they were not pleased. The punch line was that her former service man, the Austrians, Emanuel Moser, a close Confidant of the long-run-Doper Johannes Dürr was.
Many read only the headline of a text, listen to Doping and Cologna. In the article, I would have nothing to do with it, is going under. The impression that I was dishonest came to my Victories remains – that annoys me.

How big is your influence in respect of the obligation of a service man?
at Least, the Association provides him, so Swiss-Ski. He needs to clarify how perfectly the character of the potential employee is what is trying to Swiss-Ski or in the case of Moser tried (Moser, was this spring, after the doping to be dismissed causa immediately, Red.). He worked before ten years for the sports article manufacturer of fishing and with many cross-country skiers, even so, none of us Swiss people had any doubts.

Circulated never any rumors?
no. There was nothing there. Absolutely nothing. I have several times at the Nordic world Championships last February in Seefeld think, where an Austrian cross-country skiers in the act as a Doper has been caught and Moser was involved. But he was back with us in the Team, as always.

Were you close with him?

“anyone Who thinks I’m a Doper, needing no further Argument, because I can say what I want.”

Have you tried to ask him after he worked as a helper of the Doper blown?
Swiss-Ski ordered him to Bern. I wanted to do with him, nothing more.

Harm you with the affair Moser?
on The contrary, It quickly became clear that I had to do with the matter. Add to that: Who thinks I’m a Doper, needing no further Argument, because I can say what I want.

you have won everything. What drives you still?
The joy of long . I’m still motivated always. The competitions give me more Fun – especially, of course, if I’m quick. (laughs) Because I would like to show that I am more will to win, willing and able to do this.

check out this post on Instagram to

Stormy day ??????????

A contribution Cologna (@Dario cologna) divided by Dario on

In which Phase of your career you are?
In the final sprint, with the goal of the Olympic games in 2022. However, it is primarily a goal, if I can mitfighten a medal. About 2022, I will be hardly active.

you are Born in 1986 one of the very few older Toplangläufer. In other endurance sports such as the Marathon, many athletes beyond the 30. Why this difference?
length is dynamic, our race duration is usually shorter run. Often our competitions in Sprint, which divides younger athletes now once before you decide. In the Marathon you must be able to hold more of a certain pace for as long as possible. In this respect, our sports are very different.

you Are weaker than in their Golden years starting in 2010?
I was light-hearted, with safety and in a Flow. I can not name exactly what is different. But I feel these many years of top-level sport now.

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Created: 16.02.2020, 08:30 PM