the ongoing spring session of the Federal Parliament Stands before the crash? Currently, the members of Parliament are regularly home to their places of work, as always, on the Friday of the first week of a Session. But the question is how to do it in the second session week. This begins on Monday.

what is Clear is that On Monday at 10 a.m. the six-member management delegation of both councils shall meet to discuss the further course of the Session. Also present were Federal councillor Alain Berset and experts from the Federal office of public health will be. You will describe the situation as it presents itself, due to the current spread of the Coronavirus. The experts will then make a recommendation to abort the Session or to continue.

The administrative delegation of the national Council President Isabelle Moret (FDP, VD), passed. The other members of the Council of States President Hans Stöckli (SP, BE), States-Vice-President Alex Kuprecht (SVP, SZ), Thomas Hefti (FDP, GL), second Vice-President, and first Vice-President of the national Council, Andreas Aebi (SVP, BE), and the second Vice-President, national councillor, Irène Kälin (Green, AG), the Swiss Council of States.

The administration delegation is responsible for the overall management of the administration of Parliament. This also includes security issues, or currently the protection of health under the Federal dome.

location changes on a semi-daily

The Schwyzer SVP of the Council of States and Vice-President of the Council, Alex Kuprecht, confirmed on request, the main topic of the meeting on Monday will be the question of whether the Session could be continued. “The Parliament must adhere to the same requirements that also apply to other events with more than 150 participants,” he says. It is important to carry out a Risk assessment. That is exactly what the administration delegation will do on Monday morning.

Kuprecht says he’s relying on a realistic assessment of the experts from the Federal office for health (BAG). This made an excellent Job. The situation can change almost half a day. He was personally of the opinion that the functioning of Parliament should stay as long as possible to maintain.

it Should come in the context of a member of Parliament, however, to be a positive-tested a case of Corona, this could have far-reaching consequences, the Schwyzer. It was then, namely, the question of who should everything go into the quarantine and what to do with staff passing through, working in the Parliament building.

in such an environment, a regular Parliament is no longer operating, it would be possible, would be comfortable on the Hand.

but it is not so far.

Doris Fiala had to is to Test

The preliminary decision about a crash or about the continuation of the spring session, 2020 in the case of the administration delegation. You will provide to your session by Monday morning your request, if necessary, to the offices of the National Council and Council of States. The office of the national Council shall meet thereafter at 13 o’clock. That of the Council of States to 12 o’clock. You will then decide definitely.

Not negative in the assessment of administrative delegation in an incident is included to the Zurich national councillor Doris Fiala of this week. The FDP politician had been suffering for some time under cough. She was sent, therefore, of the FDP-President Petra Gössi on Wednesday night. This is the view reported. There, Fiala presented its Corona-a Test of Friday morning, they had apparently perform. The Test shows that the Zurich-born has not a Coronavirus. Fiala wants to participate, therefore, starting Monday, back to the Session.

If the Session is then passed on at all.

Created: 06.03.2020, 12:58 PM