Two in Germany blocked deliveries with medical protection material for the Switzerland seem to be short prior to export. In the case of a shipping container with a gloved hand, which is since last Friday in Hamburg, speaks of the German customs, in the meantime, there is a problem with the responsible shipping company. “The customs in Hamburg is not blocked by the Container,” said a spokesman for the German General customs Directorate as a response to our report (read here).

In the second case, the German customs has, however, a load with a quarter of a million protective masks blocked, which had been ordered by a Swiss company weeks ago. In the case of the Blockade of the German customs is based on a decree of the German Ministry of Economics. This has the 4. March any Export of medical protective materials, in principle, prohibited.

However, in this case, a special permit is now for the Swiss truck in view. The German authorities are responding to an Intervention from the Minister of the economy, Guy Parmelin . This was on the phone on Monday with his German counterpart, Peter Altmaier, and against the Blockade protest.

over-reaction and speculation

in the Meantime, the German authorities ‘ representatives the Blockade of the truck as an Overreaction. The export restrictions for protective masks had never been opposed to the health care facilities in the neighboring States. Rather, I want to prevent speculators “bought with suitcases full of cash” last stocks of protective masks, said the German Minister of health, Jens Spahn on Wednesday in Berlin. Now the German government to improve their export regime. You will set it up “this week, a procedure”, to be able to deliveries in individual cases grant, announced Spahn.

in fact, a German export licence for the Swiss truck on Wednesday afternoon seemed imminent.

For the Blockade of the container in Hamburg, bears, according to the German General customs Directorate of the company the responsibility, which would have to transport the Container within Germany. The perpetrators were “obviously unsafe, such as with this Container, deal with it,” said a customs spokesman. The uncertainty was probably formed by the interpretation of the word according to the arrangement of the Ministry of economy.

“affected Not a Mistake on the part of the duty”

From this decree the Container, but never because he was in Transit, now says the customs spokesman. “There is no Oversight on the part of the duty was, therefore.” The blocked vessel container and the blocked trucks were in the last days the subject of intense diplomatic talks between Switzerland and Germany. In addition to Federal councillor Guy Parmelin and his economic diplomats, the Swiss honorary Consul in Hamburg was involved in the negotiations with the German authorities.

Meanwhile, it is known that also on the Swiss-Italian border is blocked by a delivery with disinfectants. The Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, the state Secretary for the economy said that before the media in Bern. Currently, the authorities in Italy and in conversation, to find out what it is, said Ineichen-Fleisch.

Created: 11.03.2020, 19:43 PM