Despite the threat of cancellation of the Premier League season and the possible loss of the chase of a seemingly certain title with Liverpool has Jürgen Klopp understanding for the game cancellations because of the Coronavirus-crisis advertised. “I have already said that soccer is always the most Important among the unimportant things. Today, soccer and football are games, not important at all”, said the German Coach, in an open letter on the Website of last year’s Champions League winner.

“of Course we do not want to play in an empty stadium, and we don’t want games or contests will be suspended. If this helps, however, that a Person stays healthy – only one – no questions asked,” said Klopp.

Liverpool is on the verge of winning the first League title for 30 years. Just two more wins to make it to the Merseyside in the North West of England that longed-for Triumph perfectly. The Premier League has their game mode currently, up to 3. April interrupted.

cancellation would be a few Clubs right

The leaders want to catch up, despite all the challenges, the games, if it will allow the Situation. However, not everyone shares this optimism. As the “Guardian” reported on Friday, the bosses under the Association already has a Complete rejection of the speculation.

Also, the “Independent” reported on several club bosses, which would come just at the right time. After all, more than 90 games in England. Whether or not the can be held, is considered to be questionable. “We have no idea,” said Aston Villa chief Christian Purslow to do so. “We hope it is.” Really? Aston Villa would benefit from a cancellation, perhaps, finally, the Club is used as a table second-to-last deep in a relegation battle.

“If it is a choice between football and the Well-being of society, this is not a competition. Really not,” it was said in the Klopp-message. “None of us wrote knows in this Moment, how the final result will look like, but as a Team we need to be convinced that the authorities make decisions based on sound judgment and morals”, Klopp.

For the 52-Year-old is clear: “first and foremost, we must all do everything to protect each other. In the society I mean. This should be all the time in the life of the case, but in this Moment I think that it is more important than ever.”

His (sporting) hopes to rest now that the EM is shifted by a year, in the summer of 2021, and then in this year of time, the rest of the games out. Uefa will decide on Tuesday.

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Created: 14.03.2020, 11:35 PM