The Sunny April has driven the production of solar power in Germany to the top: The photovoltaic plants have a total generated 6.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, such as Figures from the centre for solar energy and hydrogen research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and the German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW) show.

For comparison: In April of last year, there were only 5.6 billion kilowatt-hours. Also since the beginning of the year, solar production has increased significantly: From January to April there were 17 per cent more than in the first four months of 2019.

power consumption due to Corona strong back

At the same time, the electricity consumption in Germany in the Wake of the Corona is decreased-crisis, mainly because the industry had to cut back due to the Corona-lock downs of their production. The home office and curfews slight increase in electricity consumption in private households, in comparison, negligible.

  • The financial and legal consequences of the crisis in the News Ticker to the Corona Crash.

in Total, has led to the according to information from the BDEW, in March, a sharp drop in demand. In the last week of March, the electricity was required, 7.4 percent below the value of the first week of March. In the first three days of April, the decline was 8.7 percent compared to the first week of March.

the price of Electricity on the electricity stock exchange breaks by more than 50 percent of a

Together the high level of green electricity production and the lower consumption price had shopping with devastating consequences for the Electricity-at least on the spot market, where the electricity supplier Electricity at wholesale prices, and then to consumers to resell. Here there was a price shock: With an average of 15.55 euros per megawatt-hour, the electricity price was in April 2020, more than half cheaper than in April 2019 (35,38 Euro/MWh). This corresponds to a decline of 56 percent.

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compare the current Should stabilize the price at this level, the provider of their savings, theoretically, to their customers. Most, however, are not ready, as before, the Corona-crisis. Rather, more providers increased their prices, so that the average electricity price from a record high to the next in a hurry.

Eco-Paradox: a decrease of consumption, consumers pay it

The Problem is much larger. Because the state guarantees the operators of EEG electricity plants market-independent payments. This means that The operator always get the same amounts, with which they are to Finance their investments. The cost for the electricity consumers via the EEG levy. The deeper but the price of Electricity falls, the higher the EEG needs to increase the levy to make up the losses.

in other words – Germany suffers from a Green Paradox: a decrease of power consumption and thus the electricity prices in the wholesale trade, increases the EEG levy and thus the costs for consumers. With power save 1390 Euro to save Our PDF guide shows you how you can identify the power guzzlers in the household and a total of 1390 euros can save.To the PDF guide

the specific amount of The EEG levy for the coming year, the transmission system operators shall identify, in each case in the autumn on the Basis of the development of the preceding months. A spokesperson for the transmission grid operator Tennet said, therefore, for statements about the amount of the apportionment in 2021 it is still too early.

Nearly eight billion euros could be missing on the Eco-account

However, experts have already calculated what is likely to come to the consumer. The cost of energy optimizer Enplify about is the power consumption for Germany of a decline of between 5 and 20 percent, the average stock exchange price in between 20 and 30 percent.

Depending on how much power consumption and the stock exchange price of electricity in this year, decrease to be expected Enplify thus a deficit in the EEG account between 3.3 and 7.8 billion euros.

EEG levy would need to almost 10 cents/kWh

rise to compensate for this deficit, one would have to climb the EEG apportionment in 2021 in the coming year, in a Price range of 8.25 to 9,75 cents per kilowatt-hour. Currently, the EEG levy amounts to almost 6.8 cents.

  • Also interesting: Corona drives up the cost of electricity So that you can decided to home energy

but the policy has for the next year, a reduction of the EEG levy from the revenues of the CO2 price. But whether it will come in the face of the new Situation is questionable. And even then, the EEG levy would rise Enplify that 22 percent to 8.25 cents per kilowatt-hour.

experts expect 50 euros more a year for every household

On a similar level to that of the think tank Agora Energiewende and the IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie, come: you expect that the levy will rise next year by 20 per cent to significantly more than 8 cents per kilowatt-hour. An average household with a consumption of 3000 kilowatt-hours would then be 50 Euro more in annual pay. Energy contracts: 80% of all Germans are still paying too much! (Display)

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The current combination of corona-related decline in the consumption of industrial and high renewable power generation will let the EEG-levy for the financing of renewable energies “to unprecedented heights” rise, warned the IG BCE last.

experts are calling for greater reduction of the EEG levy

a Particularly bitter today, consumers in Germany have the highest electricity prices in the whole of Europe. “The policy has already been decided in the course of the price of CO2-debate a reduction in the EEG levy. Given the current forecasts for the development of the EEG levy must be thinking about a greater reduction,“ urges Valerian bird, an energy expert at the comparison portal Verivox.

The Federal government to the EEG levy earlier than planned to reduce, says Thorsten Lenck, electricity market expert at Agora Energiewende. The current development show the importance of a Reform of the taxes and levies on the electricity price, so Lenck more.

government could make electricity in several Ways cheaper

Just as it looks in the IG-BCE Chairman Michael Vassiliadis. The Corona-crisis laying open “the problematic classification of the EEG-act relentlessly,” says Vassiliadis. Power consumption will always be more to social factor, because Strong and Weaker would be equally loaded. In the face of mass short-time working and job losses that would have quickly brought to an end.

Verivox The graph shows how the electricity price consists

the cost of The energy transition should be on the Federal budget, called for Vassiliadis. In fact, the policy further of ways and means would have to the burden for consumers, or even to cut back the tax burden that the price of Electricity, the customer at the end to pay, largely determined.

Verivox had calculated, what options would be worthwhile, especially:

  • turn off The electricity tax of 2.05 cents per kilowatt-hour, about 7 percent of the electricity bill. For an average household cost of 73 Euro would be so gross per year.
  • potential there is with VAT. Here are 19 percent are current to date to the net due, which corresponds to a share of the final price of 16 percent. If electricity would be classified as an essential Good and, therefore, under the reduced VAT rate of 7 percent would fall, this would correspond to annual savings of 92 Euro per household.

value-added tax is even levied on electricity tax and duties

The current tax will not be abolished due to EU rules entirely, because the European Union provides for a minimum rate of 0.1 cents/kWh for the electricity tax. A corresponding decrease would ease the burden on households, but still 70 euros, stresses the bird.

From a consumer point of view, “especially annoying” but that the VAT is also levied on electricity tax and all levies and taxes. “Electricity is taxed de facto twice,” says bird.

green power is not enough: Germany is a huge energy gap in the PCP green power will not be enough: Germany is a huge energy gap
