technology stocks have glare at the end of years – but the Best could be yet to come. Since the 2015 investors ‘ values with the relevant growth Index Nasdaq 100 from the USA won twice as much as with the tradition of titles from the Dow Jones. Similar conditions also apply to most other technology markets of the world. Innovation giants such as Alphabet or Apple , but also smaller, in this country, barely known technology companies in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), hydrogen, or Blockchain. Most of them originate from the USA, but also in Europe and Asia, such companies are to be found. For example, in Scandinavia on the topic of hydrogen plays far forward, in the case of Cybersecurity, Israel, or in the case of AI, China. FOCM The data is clear: The vast majority of future technologies such as artificial intelligence, Blockchain applications, or networking in the Internet of things require a large transmission amount of Data – a billion-dollar market.

there are Many indications that these fast-growing titles in the coming years, far-above-average returns will be possible. We have, therefore, compiled under the title history of a future depot, the only five-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and certificates covers the currently most important technology areas (see pie chart below). FOCUS-MONEY – to set to 15,000, 50,000 or 100,000 euros is correctly

how to put your money right now – for every risk type and every budget: In this PDF magazine the FOCUS-MONEY shows-Corona-purchase list you the best investment opportunities in the stock market currently.

PDF FOCUS-MONEY, No. 21 – to set to 15,000, 50,000 or 100,000 Euro to

many investors

suitable With these five financial pools diversify investors ‘ risk to hundreds of individual stocks. The growth in values is particularly important. Because in the case of companies working with technologies of the future, not case-by-case setbacks absence of. In addition, these shares are due to their high growth potential with respect to the price-to-earnings ratio, in General, far more ambitious rating than the broad market. This means that these shares are to be punished in periods of Weakness, often above the average.

Therefore, this Depot is designed for the small sum of 15,000 Euro. It is directed to younger, tech-savvy investors. For this while this is usually a significant portion of your existing savings, but you bring sufficient time, temporary setbacks to sit through – and to earn at the end of neat. Who’s career is at the very beginning of his investors, but nevertheless, on the stock of his future, would like to put, can implement the Depot, thanks to the very low fees of five ETFs and certificates in the same ratio with lower totals. On the other hand, the Depot is suitable for investors who are already more, but the majority of their investments in real estate, life insurance policies or accounts funds. You can use as an admixture in urgent need of a return on turbo and temporary price dings, also cope well. You will experience Beate Sander live!

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The Corona-technology-era

so why the growth should be values after this amazing Rally continue? Experts believe that the current pandemic will lead to the people around the world use permanently the increasing use of new technologies. Even Older are now learning about the Order, about of animal feed, care products, etc. in the network, or Banking via the App. Many of you will be staying. In companies for the long term instead of expensive and increasingly controversial air travel, more video conferencing to take place. In medicine, but also in several other areas of research, many solutions can be achieved in the future through artificial intelligence. The approach, however, will take many – and not just simple tasks. Not least, water can start the substance in the Wake of the Green Revolution are only now really. In contrast, it will have many of the established industries, such as, for example, banks, coal-fired power generation, or hotel accommodation for business travelers in the future more difficult. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

News about the Corona virus in the Live-Ticker

A state reports no New infections – Corona-the case in Dresden Kita shortly after re-opening

Overriding Trend

But regardless of Corona, the development is likely to go increasingly in the direction of new technologies. Many of the business models with a new, more powerful data networks is now possible. Also, the storage of large data and the performance of the computer to be continuously cost-effective. How rapidly sales of Big-Data-applications – a mirror for the entire technological development – is likely to soon grow, as the graph shows below are considerably.

As you build your future custodian

In the pie chart are specific exchange-traded funds (Exchange Traded Funds, ETFs), and certificates for investors the most important stock conveniently and cost-effectively in a bundle buy. In the texts below, these financial products described in more detail. In part, investors can purchase the securities are currently much cheaper than its maximum rate of up to 40 percent! FOCM

The appropriate ETFs and shares

  • The Segment to the right at the top covers the area of artificial intelligence (AI). This offers a very wide range of possibilities for the standardization of processes in the industry, but also in knowledge-based professions or in research. Therefore, the slightly higher weight of 25 percent of the portfolio volume. Among the largest items of the KI-ETF international values such as MongoDB, Sunrun or DexCom (NASDAQ: LU1861132840 , ongoing cost: 0.35 percent, the distance to the maximum rate: 20 percent) are to be found.
  • long after the Corona pandemic, will remain investors in the awareness of the importance of innovative, young firms are for the study of drugs (example: Biontech from Germany). Such companies which pursue completely new approaches in the development of, plug in the Healthcare innovation ETF (ISIN: IE00BYZK4776 , running expenses: 0.40 percent, distance to the maximum rate: three percent).
  • The Blockchain technology as the Basis of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin are known. This can be solved by the technology of the concatenation of many arithmetic operations on remote servers on the Internet far more tasks – for example, the cost-effective transfer of funds, or the completion of a tamper-proof contracts. Corresponding AGs are stuck in the Blockchain-ETF (ISIN: IE00BGBN6P67 , current costs: 0.65 per cent, the distance to the maximum rate: five per cent).
  • Many governments emphasise that the funds should be distributed to mitigate the economic, Corona damage, but also according to ecological criteria. In addition, the hydrogen production thanks to the green electricity is cheaper – a great opportunity for up to 20 industry representatives in the Hydrogen-certificate – including Ballard Power, or Nel (ISIN: DE000HVB4H28 , running costs: 0.20 per cent, duration: unlimited, distance to the maximum rate: 11.5 percent).
  • Some of the AGs from the area of 3-D printing have disappointed the high expectations of last. But now you get a second Chance, also because supply chains are likely to be more decentralized. In the Solactive Index, the certificate including Stratasys and 3D Systems (ISIN: DE000UBS13D0 , ongoing charge: 0.75 per cent, duration: unlimited, distance to the maximum rate: 40%) stuck.

which returns the

  • can hope for When the Depot is developed only as good as the Nasdaq-100 Index in the past five years, there are annually, on average, 17.9 percent. Generally speaking, growth stocks offer compared to tradition shares often have a better chance. Overall, the Nasdaq rose to 100 within five years by up to 120 percent, the Dow Jones, by contrast, only 63 per cent, i.e. approximately the half. A similar ratio prevails in the TecDax and the Dax. Experts expect that the Outperformance of the Techies raised in the Corona-time.
  • potential Highflyer in the areas of hydrogen, AI or Blockchain is stuck Because, in this Portfolio, but are also far higher profits possible. Just one example: The hydrogen certificate in the vault alone, since the end of March, the previous low point of the Corona crash, from 63 to up to 90 Euro jumped more than 40 percent in just over a month.
  • Since most of the growth values are from the USA, noted a large portion of the shares from the future depot in dollars. This means that Increases this, as it signals the Trend, and experts expect to continue against the Euro, are for investors who expect the common currency, additional currency gains quite realistic.

Also of interest: guest post by Gabor Steingart – Eurobonds in a roundabout way: Merkel and Macron pave the way in the debt-to-Union of The ETF savings plan comparison of FOCUS Online (display) you will Find the right ETF savings plan, in comparison with stock market millionaire Beate Sander: As a beginner, now 10.000 Euro in FOCUS Online tips from the expert: stock market millionaire Beate Sander: As a beginner, now 10,000 euros, a properly baked potato “Idaho Sunrise” with Egg and cheese – will fit to any time of the day PCP Tasty and fast: baked potato “Idaho Sunrise” with Egg and cheese – will fit to any time of the day

Andreas Körner