For what is happening currently in this world, we have made no mental preparation, or perhaps are not able to meet or want to. However, this question of how the world could have been a pandemic, prepare for, will be discussed at a later date.

Previously, you could calm down in such a Situation, maybe with a “judgment of God” as an explanation model. Because the solution to all problems was in the Endure and Endure, “God-stand-up-us-in”. And today, there are still plenty of religious sects, schools of thought, which, in fact, the inevitability of fate for a valid Maxim of Life. I do not share this view. For me, human means: of his self-consciousness. This is the learning task for every way of life.

To the Person

Hans-Uwe L. Köhler is a communications trainer and speaker, to find in the Internet under He is an honorary member, and Expert Member in the “Club 55”. Koehler lives in the Allgäu and has been for 42 years, independently.

it is a good idea, the topic of “fear” aggressively and directly to address. Therefore, I like to make to the “speaker” of the fear. The advantage for my clients: you can listen to the first from a sufficient distance, without having to agree to it is still.

“we should Admit to ourselves that we have fear. In a range of completely diffuse anxiety, according to the Motto: “I don’t know what I’m afraid of – but that’s always been my sentiment – and right now” to the pure fear of death: “I’m going to die!” This could then lead Karl Valentin in the field: “All men must die, I probably would, too!” This is Humor, right?

We have dreamed of the death in the best of health

it is True that the people are already aware that you must die. But not now! And yet not so! We had presented to all of us, however, is quite different. Objection! We have not presented the, we have a us-made! We have dreamed of our death: in the best of health, in the family circle, after a good meal, with a glass in Hand and the blessing of God, it must, therefore, not a Pastor are, and then without pain over mind.

Back in our current economic life.

I start my fear-dialogue with a very direct recommendation: “do you Confess to yourself that you have fear. If you want to make in self-talk, then you talk with your own first name. The does, without a doubt, hurt, frees you but. The advantage is that From here on you need to and other owned up to it!“

own perplexity to admit is Not easy, the

itself, his perplexity is to admit that there are certainly easy. Because even serious news portals, such as ARD/ZDF will be able to deliver in spite of Figures and facts, no information that take one possible fear. Yet, it is especially decision-makers accustomed to, with facts and Figures deal – and still only a yellow-and-red nipple remains in these days of Monster as a point of reference.

One must admit to oneself that ideas and solutions are missing. Of course each entrepreneur strives to do everything to keep himself and his company safely through the crisis. But how? As a maker, Zupacker, and not as the much-scolded under Lasser, these people have known so far, always a way. But this Time?

“Are you personally in danger?”

To clarify your Situation to my clients, with the following questions: “Are you personally currently in danger of their lives?”

If not, then it is worth but in any case, with joy to live!

The next question is: “Is your company in danger for his life?”

it is sometimes difficult to estimate. One or the other entrepreneurs will have to admit that this danger is not imminent. Then only bankruptcy remains. The reconstruction will begin immediately thereafter. It is, therefore, equal to the life in danger? The following note must not be under beat: “no one expects possible reserves for the rescue of the company will be victims. You need a Minimum for the restart.“

But now the really hard question: “when would you your company definitely broke?”

This is now a fairly simple question. All the Numbers on the table. If time is limited, you should draw a red line, to which a solution must be found, and if not a solution then at least a decision. Now is definitely clear, how much time to Think, not to Hesitate, remains.

If you recognize these days, that the substance extends up to the summer, then you must take advantage of this time. The autumn represents a time horizon, then the time for the preparation of possible campaigns is perhaps. Some people are lucky and can check off the year 2020 easy.

What must be sacrificed?

perhaps A bitter question: “What must be sacrificed?”

Each Ballast must way, this is once again a victim. It’s often just old habits, or Remnants often deferred decisions, the wait is now finally on an impulse.

At this point, an urgent recommendation: For all of the ideas that are now still in the head, is: avoid fast and small solutions. You know the drill: For every Problem in this world, there is a solution: fast, easy, clean – and, unfortunately, wrong!

courage can make the following statement: “now Search for a great idea! You have yet time!“


Take a sheet of paper and write the following Heading: “The-One-Million-Euro-idea”. Are you looking for an idea to enable you to earn within a short time a really attractive sum. You don’t start with a limitation, which makes the search easier. Let your ideas run free, only then will you have a Chance!

once again: Who now has no time to save his company, will then pull the rip cord, after the last straw to grab, and definitely the one to ruin it. If, in contrast, is wise and out of the whole mess in a stronger position wants to go, needs on the one hand, Serenity in order to survive in the long term, and to think on the other hand, the courage in size.

you should Avoid in any case, the emergency exit door, through which all want, because there’s only panic. There is a seemingly crazy idea: Go in the opposite direction from all the others, in order to seek for the Golden Nugget!

The boss must not know the way to the future

What do the employees expect? The staff does not expect that the boss or the Manager knows the way in the future. The employees have the right to expect that you are willing to find the way in the future! Your employees will accept it if you have no answer. You do not accept, if you refuse the search, or even worse with the word sleeve to act: I find something!

Every wise leader is not preceded by itself, but has scouts. Leaders must not give the death of brave heroes. But it would be an idea to keep scouts on the look-out. Found among the non-adjusted employees, and the critical question for applicants of the customer. Scouts more than others do not know, you see things in a different way, their attention is often inexplicably complicated, you will look and feel different and you think differently than others.

fear is a bad adviser

fear is a bad counselor – now that really is one of the oldest Truisms that can be found. But who learns with fear, as a watch-maker, wisely, the startled in the best case, in a timely manner; as a consolation, don’t give it – but hope. How would you like the Text of Udo Lindenberg’s “Hinterm Horizont, continue.” A conclusion makes sense, to sort the thoughts and to look with a little bit of Serenity in the future, almost beyond the horizon: “Maybe everything will be fine again – but certainly, everything is different!” “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of Entwertungs-wave FOCUS Online, “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of Entwertungs-wave