A Couple from Munich, had to be freed on Sunday at the Königssee from an awkward position. After all, In a way, the two model behaved manner.

On Sunday, a Pair of Munich at descended Hiking at Königssee . The water rescue from that saved the two in the middle of the night by the lake. The hikers had thought mouth-nose cover with you at all times and to wear during the rescue . Many more exciting tales from Bavaria and the regions in our App.

Berchtesgaden – The BRK Berchtesgadener Land reported: Against 22.15 o’clock, two non-last reported, but blocked Munich from boiler dough at Königssee -Eastern shore on an emergency call, the but decided, independently, on the decayed get on the Eastern shore along the Seelände to go back.

rescue at the Königssee: water rescue reached the hikers from the water

At 0.45 a.m., they no longer called on a height of artist’s corner again, since you came on. The BRK water rescue from advanced with your rescue boat, found the 37-year-old man and 33-year-old woman, put on, went to meet them a piece, brought them to the boat and drove back to the Seelände.

hikers wear a FFP2 mask during the rescue at the Königssee

Both had self-FFP2- masks , and not bore you during the entire use , in order not to endanger the Savior . They drove back in the night to go home.

boiler dough on the Königssee difficult

to commit The dilapidated get is among other things due to fallen trees and climbing passages quite difficult. The woman was slightly injured in the knee, came to pass on Monday, even in medical treatment. Three Volunteers were called for one and a half hours long.

While it was in the Corona-Lockdown for the rescuers in Bavaria quiet, accidents in the leisure sector now. In the district of Weilheim-Schongau around raced a man with a Lamborghini. Also in the Berchtesgadener Land there was a Drama about a missing German soldiers. Increased instead of the accidents with cyclists – for example, in the district of Starnberg were gone, however.
