to be Running in Munich in the direction of the city centre on the busy Ludwig bridge, is on the verge on the left-hand side is a jewel of Munich’s cultural history: the Museum games light, affectionately referred to as MuLi abbreviated. For 110 years, there is the mule, with his red-Retro-outdoor advertisement for the latest film releases. However, since due to Corona, the ticket counter will remain closed, instead of snappy movie titles there is only one sentence: “the Cinema is closed – until real life doesn ‘t feel like a movie anymore.”

The feeling to be in a bad movie, for many artists, and restaurateurs, despite the gradual loosening for many months to stop. Anyone who speaks with them, hears: The worst is in the first place. To help creative ideas and the state.

gastronomy: 25 instead of 110 guests

“We are currently still in the Count, but we probably get 25 people in our Shop – instead of 110,” says Ferdinand Lebling. The “Ferdings” is located in a popular nightlife district in Munich, the mix of Bar and small dishes arrived at the Munich – in front of Corona. From the 25. May may Restaurants with indoor places in Bavaria (in other States from the 18th century. – May) open: under strict Hygiene regulations. 1.5 meters distance between the tables, and between the operation and the guest.

As he should economies under these conditions to be profitable, not, know, he says Lebling. “It’s more a question of whether I’m running less of a loss.” As in most of the Bars in the more expensive centre location, it was in front of Corona in the “Ferdings” at peak times, and often slightly narrower and the regular customers came because of the family atmosphere. Everyone knows it by his own favorite bar.

still, from cosy get-togethers in the near future, hardly anything. Just the craftsman is there to envelop the black-tiled Bar complete with Plexiglas. “We are still considering whether we attach between the tables panes. The only way we even get a few people in the Store,“ says Lebling.

“Then we will make next Wednesday to”

The lack of space inside could be mitigated by larger outdoor areas, but only if the city cooperates. In Berlin, where Laissez-Faire is part of the self-understanding, has announced that the Senate already, to check the catering areas on streets and squares. The same is true for Munich. However, in the capital of Bavaria, there is not enough, apparently, to the implementation. “Have placed in the County administration unit the handset next to the phone, we have been trying for three days to reach the twenty or someone,” says Lebling.

The “Ferdings” in Munich

the caterers in the whole of Germany, the crisis after the crisis is now – and most likely, you will be worse than the state-subsidised Lockdown. Because the Hygiene measures and the General uncertainty in the gastronomy, in front of almost insoluble problems.

In Bavaria and Berlin will have to close Restaurants with indoor places because of the pads 22, so exactly when are the guests usually finish eating and start to wine or Cocktails in the evening. “My most lucrative Hours are deleted, because most of the money I earn with drinks,” says Lebling. Countries such as NRW, however, there are no guidelines for the opening Hours. FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

“Ferdings” to his fate, do not want to leave it to the owner but instead, they are creative. In addition to the Take-Away business, the bar owners want to create another source of income: you will cooperate with an ice cream shop and hope to more walk-in customers. “It will be decisive, if our customers accept the concept, says Lebling. “If not, then we have to make next Wednesday”. Hard Corona-Reality.

How serious is the Situation for many restaurateurs in Germany, was the managing Director of the industry Association Dehoga, Ingrid Hartges, by the end of April. Because of the Coronavirus-crisis 70,000 Hotel and restaurant businesses could go Bankrupt. The good 223.000 companies in the industry around ten billion euros in revenue were lost by the end of April, she said the “image”.

Kino: “you Must give people the feeling that you are safe with us”

While the Restaurants are allowed to open as the first, you have to wait for the cinema operators: As in the case of gastronomy, a federalist patchwork is created. In NRW cinemas may 30. May open it again, in Bavaria, it should be after Pentecost, to the extent. In all of the länder, the cinema owners are worried, however, your business. More safety distance, less customers, the same costs, the Dilemma is.

“The year 2020 will be a pure grant-year,” says Christian Pfeil, managing Director of the monopoly of cinemas in Munich. The policy will be able to damage not replace. The monopoly is not a huge movie-temple, instead the people come, because everything is a number is small and tranquil.

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“come back But the people?” It is the question that plagues arrow the most. Even at low utilization due to the distance he could operate his cinema, despite the red Numbers for a while. “We must make people feel at us in the cinema for sure,” says arrow. To help a pure electronic Ticketing, including seat reservations, and larger breaks between the performances. “It is clear to go quiet in the cinema.” I need help I want to be threatened

Actually help arrow sees the cinema as an important low-threshold field of culture by Corona. “A cinema broke, lost a place,” he says. “People come not only because of the movies, but because they connect something with the place. To create something simply new, is not so easy, and costs a lot of money.“ This is exactly why the cinemas would have to be lifted in the longer term, by the state through this difficult time, appeals of the arrow. He is confident that it would come to this.

– night clubs: “we, Too, are culturally relevant,”

In the case of the welfare-state you feel in front of the night clubs, however, outside. In the “Harry Klein” in the Munich sun-street, nearly 300 party danced in front of Corona enthusiasts to bass at the weekend, thumping Techno.

Since the 12. Of March there is a Void in the otherwise so busy “Harry”, as the club of Munich is called. In the opening concepts of the politicians, clubs will not be mentioned any protective measures, would not even begin to apply. The night clubs are the last to re-open Peter Fleming sure.

He is the managing Director of “Harry” and has resigned to the fact that in his club, probably only then will be dancing, when, in fact, a vaccine exists. In an industry where the returns are typically low, are the gloomy prospects – without state support it will not work for most.

Fleming’s appeal to the policy is, accordingly, urges: “we, Too, are culture relevant. We also need the state institutions, such as operas or theatre continue to support.“ Anyone who is familiar with the sometimes rather stiff, Munich, will agree without any contradiction. Particularly bright spots in the cultural landscape are just used to the Corona urgently. In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the