For the first Time, the CSU is trying to play a virtual Congress. It calls for tax cuts – but it remains an Information guilty. Sebastian Short, you want to clamp.

CSU holds on Friday (22. May), your Small party Congress because of the Corona-pandemic for the first time, purely virtual. Are scheduled to Talk by party leader Markus Söder (17.20), but also Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (18.20). We will keep you up at night in this News Ticker.

Update, 12.30 PM: Long years, Horst Seehofer CSU-party’s daily marked – among other things as a party leader. Shortly before the first virtual CSU party, he has announced is now a hard cut: A very abrupt departure from the policy.

preview – CSU-party in the network: Söder expected “spectacular insights” – but it remains a Info guilty

Munich CSU experienced on Friday was a novelty: The party stops for the first Time a Congress virtual . Highlight will be a speech by party leader Markus Söder . He speaks, however, not before a well-filled hall, but in a camera in his office on the top floor of the Munich party headquarters. Switched to the Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) should be. Another missing: CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer .

CSU party Congress in power: tax cuts, called for “No time for left-wing fantasies”

the Content should, of course, the Corona-pandemic in the focus. In a slogan the authors provide a series of proposals to tackle the crisis. Called about tax cuts , to help boost the economy. “Germany is strong – From Corona to learn and grow” is the name of the application from the CSU-party tip.

As a relief program for Germany calls for the CSU in the application specifically, including a reduction in the corporate tax , and improved depreciation in the case of investments and increase in loss offset possibilities. “There is now no place for anti-business fantasies left ideologues”, – stated in the paper “and it is not also increases the time for control.”

CSU party Congress: Söder upper limit” for Corona-aid – financing of the own ideas

in Addition, calls for “want to summarize the CSU, the topic of jobs to the eye: “In addition to the successful model of the type of short-time working* to preserve millions of existing jobs, we also want to provide incentives for the creation of new jobs. In addition, we want to raise in the Minijob-area the earnings limit is 600 Euro per month and the wage development pair.“

With the CDU and SPD wants to negotiate the CSU also new on the abolition of the solidarity surcharge. Unlike in earlier statements, Söders, the application is called but neither the full nor the quick abolition as a clear goal.

How much money the total of ten measures referred to above packages cost, or how they can be financed, and leaves open the application, however. An interesting fact – in view of the fact that Söder on Friday in the ZDF-“morning magazine” a “upper limit” for Corona-aid packages demanded. The state is not permitted to distribute “just money”. Also Corona-Bonds* it out of the castle again.

Virtual CSU party Congress: Söder-proposal provides in advance for the upset in the Union

Söder was not to be seen for a small media Tour prior to the party Congress on Friday morning just in television, but also to hear in the radio station Bayern2. Söders Statements balanced each other out as much as possible. In a also on Friday published an Interview with the Münchner Merkur* Söder also commented on the topic of Corona vaccination.

For debates and explosive the proposals were, however, quite. In an interview with BR about Söder with views of holiday opportunities in Germany* for the tourism coupons . “There is the tax deductibility and it is the Direct. This could fall, for example, to make travel much cheaper it is to rail vouchers, public TRANSPORT vouchers,“ he said.

another country’s boss from the ranks of the Union had responded to this line of thought with rejection. The Situation in the Corona-crisis was “so serious and sensitive that we should focus on the absolutely necessary things,” said Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), the Newspapers of the Funke media group. Were not among these priorities, holiday vouchers. Kretschmer provided, in turn, another small Bang – in the Form of a concrete date for the return to the regular school operating in Saxony.

CSU tries to Congress on the net: Söder expected “insights” – so the time schedule from

it remains to be seen how the sovereign of the CSU with the challenges of virtual Large-meeting will deal with it. 250 delegates to be included, and the number of spectators could be substantially higher. In the case of the Green – had tested as the first political party, the concept – there were often bizarre scenes.

Söder said in the BR, and “without malice”, he said. It was difficulties that can arise in the application of new instruments. He was waiting for on Friday evening the exciting “insights”: “You can see in these video conferences, sensational insights into living rooms and offices, what is there and everything as is.”

Start the Internet party is on Friday at 17.00. Markus Söder is to speak against 17.20, Short at 18.30. We will keep you here in the News Ticker up to date. Also available, a Transfer in the Stream is.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.