short-time work and unemployment “can bring tenants and owners of residential real estate quickly in a financial crisis”, – stated in a recent study by the German Advisory Council on consumer Affairs at the Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection (SVR).

Tens of millions of households at risk

The experts argue that housing costs – i.e. rent payments or principal and interest payments for owners – “make up by far the highest share of the monthly expenses of the house”. Would the above-mentioned fixed costs and consumption costs for water and electricity. The summary of the study: “approximately ten million households that have were on no financial return, in particular, suffer from the consequences of short-time work and unemployment”.

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The cost of results read dramatically: renter households without any loss of of 100 EUR “be was already in the monthly income financially by living overloaded”. From a loss of 400 euros per month, a strong Overload with a kick.

short-time work leads to massive losses of Income

Such values are reached in the face of the wave of short-time work quickly. The short-time work for children is loose currently, 60 percent of the last net earnings. A Few that comes with its common regular work income on a month to 3500 Euro, net, are living on short-time work with 2100 euros – so 1400 euros less per month. Similarly, if one of the two is unemployed.

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Then, the financial pressure of the housing increases the costs rapidly in the hardly portable heights. Experts determine the housing cost burden of a household by adding all relevant costs such as rent, mortgage interest, heating and other ancillary costs and the net household income to make. From a threshold of 40 percent, a household is considered to be financially overburdened.

example: The above-mentioned family normally produces a net household income of 3500 euros, the apartment in Berlin will cost 1050 Euro. Then the burden due to housing costs at 30 percent. The family loses as a result of short-time work a significant part of their income and achieved on a monthly basis, only 2100 euros for the same rental cost, increases the rate to 50 percent – is too high.

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the letter Also threatened the owner households, But it is not only tenants are currently under massive pressure. In the case of the owner of the house enters a hold without reserves, according to the study, Congestion from 450 Euro loss of income.

Predicted change in the housing cost burden ratio SVR, SOEP v3 data for different levels of losses in household net income values for households with earnings no liquid financial reserves (mean values in per cent)

The authors do not see any serious differences between households in large cities or in smaller urban and community types: Both are equally threatened, they say. The study is called, however, no number of how many households could be nationwide in financial distress – the “not yet in sight”.

However, the study acknowledges that, currently, only a few tenants of the opportunity to make use of their rent payments to postpone – what is the legislature for three months allowed. As a source, the authors name of Germany’s biggest landlords, the real estate group Vonovia. According to the Figures of one percent of the 350,000 tenants to Mietstundung asked in may only. (display), you your legal concern of the experts to examine!


sharpen The study’s authors do not expect any rapid economic recovery of the Affected in the current Corona-crisis. They warn that A looming months-long living costs-Congestion could lead in many cases to over-Indebtedness of the affected households. Therefore, they advise the Federal government, if necessary, “further appropriate measures for the protection of tenants and owners in check”.

What do you mean exactly, leave the authors. They point out that the Federal government has recently decided relief for tenants. For example, that “Ver-tenant tenancies not only because of pandemic-related payment arrears for Mietn in the period from 1. April up to 30. June 2020 may terminate.“ The law applies to 30. June 2022. Presumably the authors have in mind the study to extend these exemptions where appropriate.

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