The Slogan “free ride for free citizens” has a long Tradition in Germany. In 1974, the ADAC was launched in the Wake of the oil crisis, a campaign with the title “Free citizens demanding free travel to prevent the speed limit from 100 km/h on German motorways”. At that time, the Club voice, “motor world announced” to do everything to prevent ‘unrealistic Crawl’. Successfully, as it turned out. Some 46 years later, the largest automobile club in the world but a backward roll from the Finest and gave his categorical resistance to the speed limit, which led to protests and resignations of some members.

speed limit, Yes, wear a helmet no?

Meanwhile, the road safety Council (DVR) recommends a restriction of speed on highways to 130 km/h, which is welcome eco – and Bicycle-lobby associations explicitly. In the case of the Bicycle riders, the thing looks totally different – here, the Bicycle Lobby against more security locks. The Cycling equivalent of the ADAC, the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC), is against a General helmet law. “A helmet is compulsory, we reject. It represents a serious intervention in the personal rights and leads to a decrease in the Radnutzung,“ writes the Cycling Lobby in their transport policy program. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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The reasons that the ADFC is written that “especially newly developed safety technology in cars can avoid serious injuries of cyclists and pedestrians better, or typical accidents prevent. We argue that the appropriate assistance and safety systems are developed for Cars and especially Trucks and required by law.“ You could also say: The automotive industry is to ensure that cyclists are blameless through the traffic. That accidents can happen, in which motorists are not involved, there is no mention in these two passages. Also the comparatively fast then rushing Pedelecs are mentioned in this section, with not a single syllable – and yet accidents with the popular, but also fast-paced E have increased-Bikes actually. The 12 biggest mistakes the speed limit on the highway PCP The 12 biggest mistakes the speed limit on the highway

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The ADFC says: “The reduction of car traffic, reduction of speed, and the presence of many cyclists, are key preconditions for safe Cycling. All of this is not by Wearing a Bicycle helmet to replace it. A helmet can reduce the degree of injury, but accidents, not prevent it. The same applies to any other kind of equipment to protect in case of accidents. Cycling should be no bravery advance and not associated with danger. We want that cyclists are self-aware and proactive on the road and are in favour of the individual freedom of choice in the use of helmets.“ Just not too tight: What to look out for, so that your helmet will also need to really pay attention FOCUS Online protects Just too tight: What to your helmet really

Interestingly, protects this line of reasoning reminds quite closely to those that a speed limit does not keep up on the highway makes sense. Legally this seems to be the thing, meanwhile, clarified. In June 2014, the Federal court of justice had determined that the cyclist meets an accident, no blame, just because you have worn a helmet. This is water on the mills of the freedom-loving bike user. Finally, Cycling is not a risky sport but a healthy way to move. Here, too, the comparison to the car shows to interesting: Even without a speed limit, car drivers are faster than the recommended speed of 130 km/h on the road is attested to, after an accident, at least a part of the blame. Shopping-Deal with FOCUS Online

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experts mandatory to wear a helmet in favour of a long time

It is out of the question that a Bicycle helmet minimizes the head injury in the event of an accident. This was the result of a study by the accident research of the insurers in the year 2014. 117 fatally injured cyclists, only six were wearing a helmet. About 50 percent of cyclists killed died of a skull-brain Trauma. “You can clearly see how effective a good Cycling Helmet can be,” says Siegfried Brockmann, head of accident research of the insurers (UDV), “many killed cyclists would be able to survive.” The agrees with Prof. Dr. Michael J. Raschke, President of the German society for accident surgery (DGU), Vice-DGOU-President and Director of the clinic for accident, Hand and reconstructive surgery at the University hospital of Münster with: “In the event of a fall can help a helmet to prevent serious head injury.”

Only in the case of children, the majority of cyclists are wearing a helmet

This principle, skiers seem to have realized already. Many wear a helmet when you are skiing down the slopes. The bike rider, however, the advice of their interests representation is almost faithful. At least, that suggest the Figures of the Bundesanstalt für straßenwesen for the year 2018: Only 18 per cent of cyclist access to head protection, the rate of adults is significantly lower than the children: In the year 2018, 82 percent of the children were wearing at the age of six to ten years for a helmet. After that the helmet decreases wear rate: For the eleven – to 16-year-old cyclists contributed 38 percent of a helmet, from 17 years to 30 years, there are only eight per cent. From the age of 31, this rate varies between 15 and 23 percent. “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of devaluation wave of FOCUS Online, “Who holds the money, is the Stupid”: expert warns of devaluation wave
