“The cost of electricity higher than ever before, and it is assumed that the domestic consumption of electricity fails due to the prohibition of Contact this year, significantly higher than in previous years,” says Valerian bird, energy expert at Verivox.

How high is the additional power consumption goes down by Working in the home office, is unclear. “Because of the longer duration of stay in the apartments of the energy consumption of private households is expected to increase slightly overall”, also expects the Federal Association of German energy and water industries (BDEW).

electricity prices on record high

increased as a result of video-conferencing, or home-office activities will increase the private consumption of electricity but “only in small quantities,” says the Association. Computer, phone and co., according to Figures from the working group on energy balances, in fact, only 17 percent of the total consumption. With power save 1390 Euro to save Our PDF guide shows you how you can identify the power guzzlers in the household and a total of 1390 euros can save.To the PDF guide

More power than communication devices is needed in private households, for everyday life. The cooking, Drying, Ironing, and other process-heat for about 30 percent of electricity consumption. However, since in the Corona times, for example, is cooked more at home, is likely to increase the power consumption.

a Particularly bitter one: The electricity prices are this spring to a record level climbed, even though the purchase prices for the supplier discount. In other words, Many electricity providers use the crisis to their customers even more tire. Energy contracts: 80% of all Germans are still paying too much! (Display)

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the state collects more than half of what you pay for electricity

make up The largest share of the electricity bill, however, taxes and duties to the state: Of the approximately 39 billion Euro, which would be paid by German households this year expected to be for electricity bills, accounted for about 20 billion euros of taxes, duties and levies. This corresponds to a tax ratio of around 53 percent, according to Verivox. Verivox The graph shows how the price of Electricity

The state would therefore have a number of options to relieve the burden on the consumer in the price of Electricity sustainably, explains Verivox-expert bird more:

  • The EEG levy mean for an average household with a consumption of 3000 kilowatt-hours of annual burden 242 euros gross. Currently, the levy is for the Expansion of renewable energies in the case of 6.76 cents per kilowatt-hour.
  • The power of make tax of 2.05 cents per kilowatt-hour, about 7 percent of the electricity bill. For an average household cost of 73 Euro would be so gross per year.
  • potential there is with VAT. Here are 19 percent are current to date to the net due, which corresponds to a share of the final price of 16 percent. If electricity would be classified as an essential Good and, therefore, under the reduced VAT rate of 7 percent would fall, this would correspond to annual savings of 92 Euro per household.

value-added tax is even levied on electricity tax and duties

The current tax will not be abolished due to EU rules entirely, because the European Union provides for a minimum rate of 0.1 cents/kWh for the electricity tax. A corresponding decrease would ease the burden on households, but still 70 euros, stresses the bird. Power to tax? Save money now with a FOCUS on Online (screen), Now electricity prices

From a consumer point of view compare the “especially annoying” but that the VAT is also levied on electricity tax and all levies and taxes. “Electricity is taxed de facto twice,” says bird.

power-although more expensive – but overall, the energy sink

The cost of Green want to make current by a reduction of the EEG-surcharge significantly cheaper to stimulate the economy, according to the Corona-crisis and to relieve the citizens. Already in the middle of the year, the levy should be reduced according to your wishes to five cents per kilowatt-hour. The black-red coalition wants to the green energy levy cut – but not until 2021, when a CO2 price of Fuel, heating oil and natural gas more expensive.

in fact, the households pay for their energy consumption currently, a total of less than a year ago. Because of Heating with fuel oil and Gas price, and also for the Recharge, the consumer must spend less. According to the Federal statistical office, there were in the case of energy products in total, between March 2019 and March 2020, a price decline of 0.9 percent. GAS price COMPARISON (display)

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How strong are the plans of the coalition is to relieve the consumer, is not yet foreseeable according to the view of Verivox-expert bird yet. The amount of the apportionment for 2021 is still unclear. “Due to the lower consumption of electricity and fallen power exchange prices could be even higher than it was before,” warns the expert. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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