A hunter makes a mysterious find in the forest, in the lüneburg Heath, and the police is a mystery. But there is already a theory.

A hunter in the Lüneburger Heide made a strange find in the forest . He brought him to the police . But also could not help. Now, photos of the find were published.

Harburg – The scene could almost come from a fairy : A hunter goes into the woods and finds a treasure. But what happened since the beginning of March between Lüllau and clean village in Harburg ( Lüneburger Heide ), is not a part of a fairy tale. And it gives the police a great mystery that she has decided now to quite a different step, such as a Police report.

lüneburg Heath – find in the forest: the hunter has to the police

brought What is the hunter brought back to its discovery in the forest to police , let the officials is probably not bad amazement. He was carrying a jewelry box that looked like leather. And it was not empty, but filled with necklaces, rings and other treasures .

+ This chain was also in the Fund.©Police

The police could not solve the mystery of the Fund and has now – two and a half months later – published photos. You should now initiate the guesswork in the Region – and, hopefully, enlightenment, to bring, who’s missing here would Have been Good. And the Person can then explain, perhaps, the last question: How did the jewelry pieces in the forest ?

lüneburg Heath – a Mysterious find in the forest: The police already have a theory

Was lost, this jewellery box about the walk ? Has someone hidden here deliberately treasure – perhaps for a game?

in addition to the two chains of the shots of the police you can also use signet rings to show. They wear the initials “WB” and “UJ”. This should provide valuable information of who the true owner of the casket are.

+ One of the seal rings.©Police

However, the theory of the police to the forest Fund is neither romantic nor humorous: In the district of Harburg, police inspection, it is assumed as a Background for something completely different: “May the casket was captured in a burglary and culprit with the non-recyclable pieces of jewelry in the woods disposed of.”

A crime so – what is likely to boost further speculation of fairy tale fans and crime friends .

another forest Fund brings the police in Haan to Mull revealed to the offender two days later?

A shocking discovery wild pigs in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania free* laid.

Not uncommon. in the case of forest walks unsuspected discover:

But in this forest the man is only a guest in the North of Spain, a piece of almost untouched nature:


*tz.de is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network.