strawberries are the undisputed Stars in the early summer. Before you eat, you should take a bath. After this Video you will not doubt it.

strawberries tasty little vitamin bombs are. They taste best straight from the garden. After this Video, you will think about it but probably thoroughly once again.

Red, sweet and deliciously juicy – you can expect it every year, until the strawberry season is in full swing ? Whether fresh from the garden, from the farmer’s market or purchased at the supermarket, the small fruits are simply delicious. Before you bite next Time heart in a strawberry*, you should leave the Fruits, however, go for a swim. Thus, only the simple, thorough Wash , does not mean that everyone makes. If you see the Video that has put a young woman on the platform TikTok, then you will see probably very quickly that you have to go to heavier artillery.

Also interesting: that is Why you should the item not be more strawberries, sugars

salt water brings forth Filthy from strawberries

The woman holding red, fresh strawberries in a plastic Cup in the camera. The fruits look completely normal. Normally, you would wash them in the sink, she says. As she puts the strawberries in a glass with salt water , begins after a few minutes a delicate Wriggling up to you possibly the neck hair.

A strawberry mildew: you have to throw away is now equal to the whole Cup?

From the, until then, completely unremarkable and even quite appetizing-looking strawberries escape small worm . Would have eaten the lady is so easy, it would have dispensed with the Soaking. But here you can see for yourself what crawls in and crawls…

insects from the fruit distribute

of Course, is to be expected with insects, the more natural the fruits were pulled – finally, you can also find in the plums or raspberries from the garden are often small maggots and worms. But if you want to waive these small, unexpected protein Supplement, you should make strawberries and other fruits now prefer to soak in salt water let.

read also: thanks to this fast tips


wash Before eating? At these foods in any case!