While the world hopes that the race to the vaccine will bear fruit quickly to stem the outbreak of coronavirus, a major obstacle could slow down the process. Because if a vaccine were to be developed, even should it be accepted by the greatest number. According to a study relayed by The Echoes, the reluctance may be more significant than expected.

according To the article, published in the Lancet (where an extensive study on the dangers of hydroxychloroquine has also just published), 1 French out of 4 would refuse as well to get vaccinated. “This distrust may become a problem when the vaccine will be available,” explain in the review the French scientists belonging to the project Coconel (Coronavirus & containment), launched by a consortium of research units, including the École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP).

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This statistic is the result of an online survey on a sample representative of the French population at the end of march, at the beginning of the confinement. “We found that 26 % of respondents stated that if a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 became available, they do not use “, to ensure the researchers. The responses were collected at the time of the peak of the epidemic.

According to the study, this rejection is more pronounced among respondents with low income (37 %), seniors over 75 years of age (22 %) and among young women 18 to 35 years old (36 %). However, the former are “more exposed to infectious diseases,” according to the study, second are the people at risk, and the past ” play a crucial role in the immunization of children “.

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A highly political issue

For the time being, the issue of vaccination has only been mentioned in passing in the debate around the crisis of the sars coronavirus. There are a dozen of years, at the time of the arrival of the H1N1 flu, the vaccine had brought its flood of controversy regarding the adjuvants which are potentially dangerous and, according to the sociologist Patrick Ward, who took part in the study, these critical infant had been ignored, wrongly.

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” The managers of the crisis had chosen not to publicly discuss the issue of the safety of vaccines for fear that it causes irrational reactions “, he says. If for coronavirus, a vaccine were to be developed, transparency and communication could take on some of these reactions and prevent them from spreading.

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As reminded by our colleagues Echos, the French are, in the world, those who mistrust the most vaccines. But in the United States, for example, 20 % of Americans have already expressed their reluctance to receive a vaccine against the coronavirus.

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