The Parking is scarce, so some of these motorists from their cars in the most unlikely Places. But what threatens if I is too close to an intersection Park?

Always Parking motorists in towns close to the intersections – so close that other road users can only navigate difficult junctions or other drivers to overlook. Anyone who is caught is likely to be fine.

Parking at intersections and junctions: The threatens them

motorists who Park in front of or behind and intersections must maintain a distance up to five meters . In Accordance With § 12 Abs. 3 point. 1 StVO apply the points of intersection of the roadway edges as a criterion. Roadway edges, which meet at a right angle to each other, measured from the corner, five meters in both directions. Fences and other temporary facilities to extend the edge of the Roadway.

Matching : May be parked contrary to the direction of travel?

Who parked at the rounded corners, must mentally form the intersection of the two roadway edges. You determine this by the last line of the roadway edges, extend mentally, until they overlap. Also junctions with complete vehicle lock or junctions of one-way streets are closed in this Parking ban are included. Similarly, is this scheme only for the right side of the road – in the case of one-way streets, even for the left. The Parking opposite the road, no mouths, however, is not affected.

interesting : Allowed to Park men on woman Parking?

threatening What if I’m too close to the intersection of parke?

According to the Bußgeldkalalog a Parking in the 5-Meter will be punished-the area in front of a junction or confluence with the ten Euro . A disability occurs due to this behavior, in addition, it is 15 Euro. You are there for more than three hours for 20 Euro. In the case of an additional disability, you must pay a 30 Euro fine. In principle, it is also possible that your incorrectly parked vehicle will be towed (OVG NRW – Az: 5 A 5135/99).

learn the difference between Parking and stopping.

Franziska Kaindl

really sharp driver in the world