In Bavaria, can Pollen Allergy-free now with a new App about the current pollen flight location information. So that Affected parties could control is now also taking medication easier, said Bavarian health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) on Friday.

ePIN shows data for the current and past Pollen

The Bavarian pollen information network ePIN was launched a year ago. “Since the 22. May 2019 measures ePIN with the help of eight electronic pollen to monitor pollen loads in Bavaria, location of gates – and pollen-specific,” said Huml. Current data on the Pollen count can get Affected via the websites and . The data are updated every three hours. Currently, the grasses fly in Bavaria, pollen, in addition, there is still a moderate birch and ash pollen.

ePIN displays data for the current and past Pollen levels of the most important Allergy-causing plants are hazel, alder, ash, birch, grasses, rye, mugwort and Ambrosia. The first of a total of eight electronic pollen monitoring stations in the context of the ePIN was passed in April 2018 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in operation. The state office for health and food safety (LGL) is required for the operation of ePIN responsible. Pollen calendar 2020

So that they are prepared for the Pollen in the coming months, we have compiled for you the Pollen calendar 2020. Here you will learn the time in which they are as Allergy sufferers are particularly susceptible to allergies and hay fever.

Pollen calendar 2020

one in Every five adults suffers from allergic inflammation

“In Germany, about one in five adults suffers from a skin to an allergic-induced inflammation of the nasal mucosa,” said Huml, who is himself a licensed medical Doctor. “When acute discomfort occurs, should Allergy sufferers take as quickly as possible and antihistamines, which relieve the symptoms of an Allergy. These drugs act in, as a rule, already after ten minutes. Allergy-free should you have an emergency here.”

informed How the Ministry will continue to suffer in Bavaria to LGL estimates, more than two million people have an Allergy or hypersensitivity reactions. Nearly half a Million adults, and around 85,000 children and young people affected by bronchial Asthma. Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, also deserve informed child care” with these reading recommendations for the weekend

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