in early June to submit to the government a comprehensive economic program to stimulate the economy. For many businesses, it could be too late. That’s why the economy calls for Ministers now, it must previously be traded.

Berlin (dpa) – in view of the massive economic consequences of the Corona-crisis economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) penetrates fast as other tools for companies. “Some companies, remains simply no more time,” said Altmaier, the German press Agency in Berlin.

“I have therefore submitted proposals, how the next few weeks can be bridged.” He was in conversation with the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD). “This is time-critical.” Altmaier price spoke in favor of a break with the burdens of Bureaucracy and regulations for companies as well as for relief of Electricity.

The Federal government had decided to comprehensive programmes, the economic consequences of the Corona-crisis crisis. Business associations call for improvements and fear in particularly affected sectors with a broke shaft. The Federal government intends to submit at the beginning of June a comprehensive economic program to stimulate the economy again.

“There are various industries which have to be expected despite the loosening continues with loss of sales, because of the distance regulations are to be complied with or only partially able to open the ranges again,” said Altmaier. “Restaurants, Hotels, travel agencies, trade fair operators or different operators in the field of culture are areas that will still have to fight for some time. We are not alone, here we will help. We have no need of outdoing the competition in good deeds, but precise deals that need to be temporary.”

Altmaier also supported an initiative of the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) for an upper limit on the billions in assistance programs of the Federal government. “We have to deal with the tax money of the citizens carefully and sparingly,” said Altmaier: “The economic and aid programs, we develop until the beginning of June, must be in terms of amount, scope and duration are clearly limited.”

The Minister of economy, called for a “moratorium on administrative burdens” for the economy. Associations of the business had asked for, the implementation of new requirements about Reporting, testing, and reporting duties – for the time being to suspend.

in addition, improved depreciation, there should be conditions and an enhanced loss settlement, said Altmaier. “Companies need to the crisis of air to Breathe – is the only way we can create space for innovation”, said the CDU politician.

“We need a restart for our economy,” the Minister said. “For this rescue are not enough programs alone. We also need a strategically-scale stimulus program and a fitness program with structural improvements to our economy.” For him, three areas are Central: Innovation, sustainability, and justice.

in addition, the Expansion of renewable energies would have to be driven forward and at the same time, the EEG surcharge and the electricity prices will be stabilized by an accelerated reduction of the EEG apportionment starting in 2021.

And we need to modernise Germany,” said Altmaier. “We need to halve the duration of planning and approval procedures and projects in the future fields of sustainable resources. Hydrogen, energy efficiency in Buildings, a quantum computer, Cloud and cyber security are just a few examples, to give Germany a boost to innovation.” Altmaier said: “And finally, digitization begins in the school. Schools without Online courses, and sufficient Laptops need to be a thing of the past.”