During the confinement, the French have experienced a new situation where freedom to move was limited. A situation that has exacerbated some of the cravings. Most of them have lived through this period in an apartment, without the possibility to take the air in a garden or on a balcony, and most often in a home too cramped. Now, people in search of a property could not imagine their future home without a balcony or a terrace, as explained in Le Parisien.

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According to a study by Insee, 5 million of French have experienced confinement in an overcrowded dwelling. “In the past, the fact of having a balcony or a terrace was of course a bonus but the lack of a outside was not a factor prohibitive to purchase. Today, this becomes a search criterion determining ” says the Parisian, Thomas Lefebvre, scientific director of the platform for the Best Agents. According to the estimates of the latter, there would be in France no less than “800 000 apartments as a primary residence” who ” have an outdoor space “, which represents 6 % of the stock of multifamily housing.

high cost

A criterion of choice which has a cost. “In the 11 largest cities in France that we studied, an outdoor space prices rise by an average of 8.8 per cent,” says Thomas Lefebvre. Thus, taking the example of an apartment of 80 square meters, 22 000 euros will be disbursed to get a terrace or a balcony in Toulouse, france. A Nice, count 29 000 euros, and then 31 500 euros in Lyon and about 75 000 euros in Paris.

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” A terrace was proportionally two times more value in Marseille than in Paris because it benefits a lot more in a city that enjoys a great deal of sunshine. Conversely, the impact on price is small in Lille, ” explains Thomas Lefebvre. This observation applies to owners who wish to resell their property. According to the Best Agents, the floor would be the apartment would also play on the price of housing.