The Corona-crisis stress. The CSU chief Söder sure. In order to survive the crisis, economically, are decided by the CSU, a page-long wish list. What is the cost, but it remains open.

Munich (dpa) – In the fight against the consequences of the Corona-crisis, the CSU calls for another large economic and innovation package – but at the same time, a clear Limit for the German debt.

a Maximum of 100 billion euros in additional debts to be allowed to start the Federal government, in the words of CSU leader Markus Söder in this year. The Bavarian Prime Minister said on Friday in his speech at the first Internet Congress in CSU history.

“Our prosperity is threatened,” said Söder. The consequences of the pandemic showed that the endless growth of trust in tax revenue to its limits. “That is why it is important that we act very wisely.”

As an export country, Germany is in a special Form of global trade, stressed Söder. This was affected because of the global impact of the pandemic in the United States and in Latin America. It is therefore of particular importance to stimulate domestic demand.

For Söder, the CSU needs to the policy in Germany, with direct investments and tax relief in addition, from a psychological point of view, the purchase of the citizens of behavior to encourage. These included, as also the eight-sided slogan of the party Board, such as the purchase of premiums for low-emission cars, travel vouchers for holidays in Germany, tax cuts for businesses and citizens, more money for road construction and the fast mobile network, 5G calls it.

In addition, Söder, and to invest more in future technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence. In spite of the crisis of climate protection should not be neglected, however, the climate crisis is also far from reaching “pandemic proportions”.

“We are not allowed to distribute simply money or money to give away,” said Söder. All investments must have a direct effect, only then would Germany, not only medically, but also economically better get out of the crisis than other countries. Söder said that currently discussing investment concepts with further new debt of up to 150 or 200 billion euros to Finance.

up to now, the supplementary budget the Federal government provides a planned deficit of 156 billion euros to the mitigation of the pandemic consequences. However, there are signs already that this will not be enough. In June, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) want to present a large stimulus package to help the economy back on its feet – but also many billions in addition to devour are expected. Not only the company, the financially troubled municipalities expect help.

“It is important that we ruin the state,” said Söder. With a view to European community aid programmes must also be ensured that in Germany itself the need of a refurbishment. The of Germany and France, the EU’s proposed 500-billion-aid programme is necessary. Europe could otherwise fall apart. “Then just our not is the internal market, the Fund is economically disadvantageous. If not, then our existence is in Europe,” said Söder.

During the ensuing debate many speakers stressed that the Corona-crisis should not lead to the fact that Germany was liable for the debts of other countries.

Söder used his speech to defend the Corona-crisis management of the Federation and the länder. He could understand that it is precisely those who would suffer from the economic consequences of the crisis, criticised the course, he said. At the same time, pointing also to the situation in other countries that they would have even without the Lockdown economic problems – and more deaths than Germany. In the case of the demonstrations against the current of Corona-restrictions had to be taken care of, that these should not be hijacked by conspiracy theorists.