to increase

the proportion of women in the Bundestag, make leading CDU politician for more female directly to candidates strong. The news magazine FOCUS, the Deputy CDU Federal Chairman Silvia Breher said, is the point of a “zipper principle”. Accordingly, the number to be filled in case of sufficient Applicants for the candidate items in the constituencies, alternating with men and women.

CDU Deputy calls for “binding rules”

“A rate of change in the Thinking, but we need at present, binding rules to increase the proportion of women among the Union members,” said Breher. The family policy spokesman of the CDU, Marcus vineyard, warned in FOCUS, “to encourage women specifically to candidacy”, so that the structure of the population reflects better.

support for the initiative comes from the sister party. “The time is ripe for more women in Parliament”, says the Chairman of the women’s Union in Bavaria, Ulrike Scharf (CSU). “We need to attract more women to the party and for the policies of delight”. The Bavarian state Parliament Deputy proposes Mentoring programs. In addition, you can customize event formats and session times, in order to improve the compatibility of mandate and family.

In the German Bundestag, the share of women in the Union group, currently at 20 percent. Only in the case of the AfD it is lower. A Commission headed by Secretary-General Paul Ziemiak to submit, no later than until the next party Congress in December 2020 with a proposal to attract more women to Offices and mandates.

JU-in-chief Kuban: “policy needs to be family friendly”

what specific measures the success of is in the party, however, is still controversial. So far, a non-binding vote is to be filled, which Offices and mandates a third of women. The chief of the Junge Union, Tilman Kuban emphasized that it “need real talent instead of fixed rates”. “Policy must be family-friendly,” insists the 32-Year-old. “We are losing too many dedicated women and men, as soon as the first child is born.” A parity-based composition of electoral lists Kuban holds for “unconstitutional”.

“women are currently under-represented in the directly elected members of the CDU under. This is wrong and this must change,“ says Ralph Brinkhaus, the Chairman of the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag. the The party had started to work at the local level to improve the framework conditions for political Engagement of women. “We really need to question whether our bodies work and the decision-making process nor the reality of life in the middle of our society,” says brinkhaus.

Current polls suggest that the proportion of women in the CDU and CSU could fall after the General election of 2021 even if Union candidates win almost all the constituencies directly, and therefore the electoral lists, as well as in any state of drag. Helps nicotine against Corona PCP Helps nicotine against Corona
