A Video of this “banned” viewers showed the Dutch programme “Vroege Vogels”. The owl-the young animals are already huge, can fly, however. And so you sit in front of Jos Baarts window and watch as his everyday life.

“These pigeons again” – young animals are sitting relaxed in front of the window

In the Background you can see the mother-of-three fluffy young animals, with a watchful eye she keeps the Little ones in view. “She has a good view of the Nest. You can sit there for six to eight hours,” says Baart. In the meantime, you would get used to each other, before the sounds of the birds were to him but a nuisance. “I thought, damn, these pigeons again,” laughs the man.

“You see how relaxed they are,” says Baart more. “You have no fear. For me, it is, as I would be looking 24/7 for a Film”. Over his shoulder you are looking regularly in his TV – for Jos Baart is nothing Unusual any more.

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