On a bird’s nest made of pure Gold with 74 branches it had, apart burglars in the capital. The 818 grams heavy, the work of art disappeared about a year ago from the smashed display case in a Berlin primary school. Two members of an Arab family were identified as suspects.

This is one of the cases that should go to the criminal’s account in Berlin large families and in the balance of the year (2019) the capital-are listed on the police to tackle the Clan-related crime. Is determined, therefore, to a cocaine-delivery service, with up to 40 trips a day, a RAID on a Bank branch in Frankfurt am Main, attacks against police officers, committees and dispute rivaling Clans, in the Monday report presented by rival.

Laborious fight against defensive structures.

Clearly, it is a laborious fight against defensive structures that have grown over the years. The pressure against them had been increased significantly, highlighting Senator Andreas hostage (SPD). A parallel world with its own code of conduct and the rejection of existing laws, “we could not tolerate it any longer”. And also in the Corona of a pandemic of the rule of law was not in force. It will determined because of the difficulties in leichens of emergency aid against clan members. “We keep the pressure up in all areas to maintain,” said the Senator. Controls should be extended to all districts.

45.500 hours against Clans

For the police came about 45,500 hours of service against the Clans. Officials from advanced to 382 inserts. 702 objects were checked, including 190 hookah Bars, 322 cafes and Bars, 60 betting offices and gaming sites, 25 Barber-Shops and 11 jewelers. In the case of 102 operations, the police was supported by other authorities. 972 criminal charges and 5908 Display were manufactured adversity to order. Reuters police officers stand on the Mecklenburg road. In the context of a RAID, hundreds of police in Berlin and the LKA multiple objects in Berlin browse.

almost 35,000 euros were Seized from drug shops, 969 units of sale of narcotics, 31.606 untaxed cigarettes, about 554 kilograms of water pipe tobacco as well as 123 cars, 2 motorcycles, and 104 guns. There were dozens of arrests. The report indicates the market value of a kilo of cocaine, with around 40,000 euros. In the area of Organised crime, the police expect approximately 20 percent of the procedures, ethnic Arab groups of offenders.

Five-points-Plan of the red-red-green Senate

In November of 2018 had the red-red-green Senate, a Five-point Plan decided that the punishment already for minor rule violations as well as inspections of shops and Local. Regulatory agencies, customs, financial authorities and Senate administrations work together. Even when state resources have been bundled Since 1. April 2019 the centre for analysis and coordination to combat criminal structures at the Start.

The Five-point Plan:

  • Consistent prosecution and punishment of rule-breaks
  • assets move in
  • Increased commercial and financial controls
  • country framework for the development of preventive measures
  • Interagency cooperation

250 police officers in the use of large – scale use in the Clan burial: helicopters in use, Reporter spat on

The trade Union of police (GdP) speaks on Monday, a good first stadium round for a marathon counter-clan crime. Senator hostage and the police President Barbara Slowik see successes: Illegal business fields and money are laundering uncovered and insights to Organized crime has been won. We are on the right path. With other words – still not on target. In the report, that is to say: “The brightening of the criminal structures could be stepped up city-wide. There is an uncertainty on the part of the criminal scene is detected.“

real estate feed

This was probably also the confiscation of 77 real estate to the value of 9.3 million euros in the summer of 2018, the be attributed to an Arabic origin, the Berlin family. Houses and apartments were bought with money from crime. In the meantime, the rental income could be seized. In April, the regional court ordered the confiscation of two of these properties. Reuters police officers stand in a large control action in Berlin-Neukölln, in front of a dining operation.

For a lot of attention to the process with the spectacular theft of a million-dollar gold coin from the Berlin Bode Museum provided. The district court sentenced in February, two young men from a police met well-known Clan more years of youth. But these are not yet final.

police stands in front of a big challenge

The combat of crime, of Arabic origin, structures of the police forces of several provinces before large challenges, says the report. Only sustainable success could be achieved, the police President. A Federal-wide Definition of “clan crime” did not exist yet. Also lower-Saxony, Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia are Hotspots. Berlin understands the phenomenon this way: “clan-related crime is the Commission of crimes by members of ethnic and isolated structures (“Clans”).” The subjects are in Berlin Mhallami-Kurds, Lebanese and stateless Palestinians.

Alone, from Lebanon, about 29 500 persons migrated to approximately 72 percent of German citizens were. A “not insignificant number of people” have an unclear or no nationality.

in addition to the prosecution of criminals, the police in Berlin, another approach: young people from the isolated structures need to be strengthened to prevent a slide into crime, or to enable the exit, they say. The state office of criminal investigation was the development of exit scenarios, and the spring will be the leader developed by the district of Neukölln. “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Will, rightly, FOCUS Online/Wochit “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Wants to cope
