in rails, The days of Olaf Scholz (SPD) in the Ministry counted. Top people as he can switch at any time in the economy. You just have to shrug. So many expecting a rapid retreat of the Hamburgers from the policy, as his party half a year ago against him, as the Chairman ruled and a Team from the second series, Norbert Walter-Borjans, and Saskia esque, preferred. What Scholz had to be expected already? What should bring to the Federal Minister of Finance, another Struggle, where the own people rejected him by a majority? So: In Hamburg, they say “bye”?

The 61-Year-old but said, “goodbye”, but son-in-law and haute pure as always. The Berlin augurs liked from his Sphinx-facial Expressions out of reading what they wanted: He just kept on with his Job. No grudge-tirades about the party, not a pointed word about their new bosses, nothing.

Silent Arrangement with esque, and Walter-Borjans

His reward for the first: As one of the Central Manager of the Corona-crisis, he is as popular as rarely before. His reward in the medium term is likely to be the candidacy for Chancellor of the SPD. However, there is still a hurdle. Also, the party would have to discover a deeper sympathy for Scholz.

But even here, the movement comes into the thing. With the leading Duo esque-Walter-Borjans, Scholz has found a sort of silent Arrangement.

“The party leaders not to disturb us more in the running of” mock influential SPD people like. To say: Let the Chairman talk, we do our thing. In the case of experienced leaders in the SPD, there was sheer horror, as a esque at the beginning of the Corona-crisis locker is a tax for the Wealthy brought into play: a Just-in-time, you need the power carrier, on should the SPD not exactly alienate, screaming party of friends. The gesture to this Argument was a windscreen wiper in front of the head. And that esque initiated precisely in Phase, as transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) was because of the toll with his back to the wall, a debate over the speed limit, was considered by many as evidence of Amateur behavior. Also SPD parliamentary leader Rolf Mützenich noted, the top people of the party in the meantime “discreet” in the barriers.

“you hold the party at the bar”

In the narrower Scholz-circle, however, harsh, or even sardonic comments about esque and Walter-Borjans, are not heard. Here it is, in these days of cool: “you hold the party at the bar.” That sounds more like division of labor than to the competition.

Kay Nietfeld/dpa Olaf Scholz (l.) has apparently found a division of labor, with Norbert Walter-Borjans (M.) and Saskia esque. The photo shows a meeting of the SPD Presidium.

During the Duo so Enjoyed in the mood, takes care of Scholz ums operations. And since he, as one of the key managers of the Corona pandemic is truly more than busy. He has – keyword “Bazooka” – the economy Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU) laced the gigantic aid package of 1.3 Billion euros. That was only the beginning of a crisis that no one knows how big they will be at the end.

Scholz relies on popular projects

And if you look a bit closely you will see how strategically Scholz’s going on right now.

a Long time, Scholz was regarded as a, in the “SPD” on it, but little SPD in it. He has seen the never. The last few weeks show: The Vice-Chancellor is increasingly engaged in a project, “Scholz plus”. It’s not just the cool, experienced, Keeper of the finances, but emphasized more strongly than in the past the politicians with a heart. Current major project: Scholz urges the Federal government and the countries of loads on each half of the Financial act in 2000, the highest over-indebted municipalities in the amount of 45 billion euros. The majority of Federal politicians in the Union don’t like it at all. The Minister of Finance is advertising for a family bonus of 300 Euro per child. What connects these two plans? They are quite popular. Especially in the case of SPD-voters, or those who want to do it again.

Because of basic pensions-criticism

Boo So it seems these days sometimes that Scholz rises in some of the themes of the knife in the bag. Only a little had suspected previously, in him the type of “knife-in-pocket”. As a CDU politician stated again concerns against the basic pension, scolded Scholz: large companies would get loans worth several billion euros. “And then someone comes along and says, the basic pension, which costs just over a billion, we can’t pay.” PostScript Scholz: “So someone actually booed.” Booed – for Scholz, this is a sharp announcement.

impetus for a relief Fund set

The Vice-Chancellor has an original, emphasizes low-dose of Humor. But he will have noticed that his ironic, witty observations to fizzle out, often unrecognized, so he received verbal a little harder. A little bit harder. So it then everyone notices.

Behind-the-Scenes Scholz is the impeller. In the development of the 500-billion relief Fund by Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, he had put a decisive impetus, report to the government strategists who should know. Both Merkel and Scholz, in any case, the crisis in the Corona to more solidarity in Europe, because of serious Concerns about the future of the community. With the money from Brussels also States such as Italy to be able to modernize their country.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

“Merkel-socialists” win

And Merkel. The Union survey did not reach values on the order of 40 percent, while the SPD from the 16-percent-of the valley come on out, take on social Democrats, right-left. “The Merkel-percent”, to appease you. Yet all the Ministers would be seen as “managers” of the Chancellor. Once but clearly no longer is, that the head of government to start, would reshuffled the cards. The assumption, apparently: Then even more will look at the red Jack next to her.

the next Federal election is to win the “Merkel-socialists” or – recover is the solution.

dpa/Kay Nietfeld/dpa Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance.

On a mid-course

Some set speaks for this analysis and the strategy to take the political audience in the middle enhanced the view. Because in the last four decades, made it only to the SPD and the Union politicians in the middle, Helmut Schmidt (SPD), Helmut Kohl (CDU), Gerhard Schröder (SPD) and Angela Merkel (CDU), to conquer the Chancellor’s office.

Scholz has always stood for a middle course. Now is – whether at the pension, the billion for the municipalities, or with his dream of the “United States of Europe” – clear from the Union. SPD Bundestag deputies blades these days are very friendly, if you talk to Comrades about their most prominent. He had to abandon the project “black Zero” in the meantime, may have given the new Affection more power.

What is not to class struggle smells

His Ministry Scholz to builds increasingly to a kind of think tank for Economists. His boss, the people from host Jakob von Weizsäcker was in contact with about 100 Economists and other financial experts, is to listen to. Open exchange of ideas, not ideological Preconceptions of certain of these debates. Also regular conferences of leading Economists with the Minister belong to. This creates solid Connections – and sometimes allies. So it is that the Economist Jens Südekum, the Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) also advises the house of the Ministry of the interior, in Twitter a the Scholz-explainer. Of the top networkers in the service of the Minister is in any case, state Secretary Wolfgang Schmidt, so to speak, the unofficial go-to man in (almost) all political worlds.

In all of this, Scholz relies on an SPD policy that does not smell at 500 meters against the Wind to the class struggle. So he wants to establish himself as an Alternative to Armin Laschet (CDU), Markus Söder (CSU) – or whoever the Union candidate for Chancellor in the next Federal election, and also as an Alternative to Robert Habeck (Green). Not just any course, but a social democratic one. The reconciliation of the socialists with your main man is progressing anyway, especially in a high Tempo. More to the Coronavirus

“the theme”: In the fight to billion-money Scholz in the TV Anne has a Will, rightly, FOCUS Online/Wochit “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Wants to cope