the football clubs in the Würmtal may theoretically, under certain conditions and kick back. Although you will be happy to have a Ball at their feet, but there is also criticism.

Würmtal – That it is so fast it would go, had not thought the biggest optimists. Late on Friday evening, the Bavarian football Association (BFV) informed its clubs that as of Monday Training was possible again. “For all of our footballers, this new development is good news in this difficult period,” said BFV President Rainer Koch. “We know that it is up to the return to normality is still a long way off. But the first step is made.“

review: a result of the Überbietungs-contest“

Some coaches from the Würmtal keep this approach, however, is premature. “You don’t know yet, what can have an infection with this Virus for late effects. I think it’s overkill, now as soon as far-reaching relaxations to perform. But this is probably a result of this extension of competition,“ criticizes Uwe Lehner, coach of circle klassist friends SC.

Basically, he is happy his players again. “I miss you already, but we all have a great responsibility. The health of each Individual must be a top priority,“ calls for Lehner.

Without rules it’s not but anyway, the clubs must comply with the Association requirements. “We are not in the fight against the Virus is still a long way to go. Caution and care are still the top priority“, provides BFV-President of the cooking clear. Also, the local communities must contribute their part and the sport facilities again.

municipalities in the Würmtal have not shared installations

In Gräfelfing, for example, this has not happened yet. “Our President, Christoph Göbel, has not yet given the Go,” according to Bernd against furtner. The coach of the district League-team of the TSV Gräfelfing criticized: “It is all a bit suspicious, what is the BFV power at the Moment. Now he comes before the BLSV and the Minister of the interior Joachim Herrmann with a quick shot, after you were so slow.“

The terms and conditions of the Association, for the Training he thinks will be difficult to implement, particularly for multiple teams. “Everything is funny. So much space we don’t have, and so many coaches do not run around“, says against furtner. “We will try to split up the Teams and let each team once per week to train.”

criticism: “Well, it is meant mostly poorly done”

Also in the case of SV Planegg-Krailling, DJK Würmtal and TSV Neuried you waited yesterday afternoon on the opinion of the respective municipality. Maximilian Reid, coach of the Neurieder gentlemen I, speaks clearly: “The BFV concept is well-intentioned, but there is the beautiful saying: Well, it is meant mostly poorly made.”

be the Best example, that you should not take the Ball in the Hand. “How to clear the balls then out of the closet and you clean up?”, the district League Coach and complemented asks: “in addition, the is also medically Humbug.”

About the type of training he is just as uncertain as his colleague at the SVP, Michael Lelleck. “The implementation is difficult. But, we have enough coaches to have a kind of circuit training you perform,“ says the coach of the County League. These days, he wanted to discuss with the other plan, EGGER exercise ladders in more detail.

at Least the content of the units, the guidelines are already clear: “technology, running training and coordination – a lot more will not go,” explains Lelleck, is happy about the easing and in the best case already this week with his kickers on the place.

review: “This is not a football”

Significantly longer need to wait for the A-class footballer on the TV floor, village. “Our Problem is that the training is redeveloped at the Moment. We have to wait to see if the municipality of Gauting, the space on the school campus free. But have also used the Corona time to renovate the place. As far as I know, we would have to wait anyway until after Pentecost,” says Coach Korbinian Halmich and adds: “This is at least a start, especially for the youth. But everyone has to decide for himself how he can implement it and want to.“

Mario Germek of the DJK has such a clear opinion: “Training with four players and a coach as you can as well go on the road and running. I personally am not fond of the Whole“, the A-class coach. “This is not football.”

review: “Who designed these rules, has never played football”

Similar to Franz Möhwald sees it. “Who designed these rules, has never played football,” says the Coach of the A-Klassist TSV pentene Ried. Now it is only a question to keep the fun of the player. The build up to the possible start of the season in September, but difficult – to- three and a half months with no training game, and the like.

But Tobias Rehse, coach of the Neurieder district League Reserve, puts it, despite all the relative adjustments to the point: “in Principle, everyone is happy that he at least has the Ball at his feet.”

Update 25. May: clubs in the Würmtal Training to take back to

have Now incorporated almost all of the clubs from the Würmtal, at least with some of their teams in the training operation. Yet there are differences, how many Teams train. We have given us an Overview.

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