originally Scheduled for June 2, the application of tracing StopCovid, intended to identify the spread of the coronavirus, could land in the smartphones of the French as early as this weekend. According to the secretary of State to Digital, Cedric O, its output could be done in advance if the parliamentarians approve of it. “Subject to a vote in Parliament, the application may be available in the app stores of Apple and Android this weekend,” said Cedric O in Le Figaro to be published Tuesday.

This application has for goal to allow each user learns its contamination to prevent those he has crossed in the two previous weeks, so that they can take their precautions. A debate and a vote on the subject are referred to the national Assembly and then the Senate this week. Under the pressure of the opposition, the government has accepted this vote, however, not mandatory because the application will be based on voluntary participation.

Read also Covid-19 : how to break the chains of contamination

The project is widely criticized even in the majority for the risks concerning the private life of the users, even if it is presented as derogating from not with the regulations on personal data. “There has been a lot of legitimate questions, but the more we give explanations, most of the reluctance will decrease,” assured Cedric O, saying he did not believe in a division of the majority.

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The preposterous story of StopCovid