you want to terminate your employer? In the letter of termination, you must observe a few rules – otherwise the termination could be in the worst case, ineffective.

The boss is mean, the colleagues-only on the gossip and the tasks more tedious? Reasons for termination there are many. But who wants to change his employer, not a letter of termination. But how can I write a notice, so that it is valid?

termination of contract of employment: These elements must contain

form error, must be policies in the case of the termination of the employment contract. Otherwise, you risk that your notice is invalid and you can not leave time your old employer.

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1 to look out for. The labour law provides for a termination, always have the font format (ยง623 BGB). A E-Mail or a Fax will not suffice here .

2. A notice of termination must always be signed by personally (not scanned).

By misconceptions to exclude these things should be also in a notice to the employer:

Full address of the employee and employer, if applicable, the personnel number current date, in case of doubt, the notice period is to demonstrate to The subject should contain the word “termination” in order to be legally binding to address: “Ladies and gentlemen” or to the chief / chief of staff personally directed notice (“I Hereby cancel by the deadline on [date].”) hand-written signature (not scanned)

employment lawyers recommend, and communicate as clearly as possible and any embellishments to omit. Otherwise, this could provide unnecessary fodder for a work of legal process.

also read : So you should start your step into self-employment by no means.

pattern: So a termination could look like this:

termination of my employment contract

dear(r), Mrs/Mr …,

I hereby resign my employment contract from the …. properly, in a timely manner at the earliest possible date.

Please confirm me the receipt of the notice of termination in writing. In addition, I please you, me, a qualified certificate of employment issued.

I would like to thank you for the good cooperation in the past years and wish them well for the future.


signature of employee

also read : In times of climate change: Would you give up for the environment your Job?

how to find out the correct notice period

in order To arrive in time for your new Job from the old contract out, you need to know, of course, how long your notice period is . How you can find out and what are the legal rules that apply, here.

they lost to Learn more : the employment contract – With this Trick you can solve the Problem.

termination of the agreement Personally or by Post?

your notice of cancellation is deemed to be delivered when it is received in the company. If you deliver the notice in person, leave it’s best to acknowledge it. In the case of delivery by Post, a registered mail is recommended.

More on the topic of termination, you will learn: termination of contract of employment – The most important rules and deadlines.

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Andrea Stettner

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