All the French students will return in their institution by the end of the school year ? Nothing is less certain if the health protocol hyperstrict that governs their operation is not relaxed, feel the actors of the sector. The government must normally detail this week the modalities of the second phase of the déconfinement. Are expected particularly of the announcements on a possible reopening of schools.

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from next week, schools and colleges, who do not have re-opened in green zone for the sixths and fifths – are also expected to accommodate more children. According to the latest figures from the ministry, 20 % of primary school students and about 30% of college students concerned have for the moment taken back, rarely full-time.

“We would like some children to go to school and we’re not”

The priority is to be able to “enable the maximum number of children to get back in touch with the educational institution” before the end of the year, says one in the entourage of the minister Jean-Michel Blanquer. Especially to those who have ” the most need “. The minister has recently acknowledged : “We would like some children to go to school and we’re not. “

many schools would be able to accommodate more students than it currently is, according to the ministry. But due to a health situation uncertain, parents are afraid to send their children back. In contrast, families not a “priority” that were volunteers to deliver their children to the school are denied access due to lack of space, most often in large cities such as Paris.

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“We feel at this time, a pressure that rises to accommodate more students,” said Francette Popineau, general secretary of the Snuipp-FSU, the first union of the primary. “But for the moment, teachers do not see what that would open the floodgates : we wait for scientific answers to find out if the health protocol may or may not be relaxed. “If this protocol is not alleviated, the mainstream school will not resume until September, recognised in the entourage of the minister.

“If the schools re-opened, it is necessary that one explains to us why”

How to accommodate even more students by then ? “The current organization is hanging by a thread ; if one adds numbers, it no longer works,” warns Agnes Brown, a spokesman for the Association of mayors of France (AMF), in charge of education.

It is difficult for example to spend two canteen services to three, or to further increase the pace of cleaning of the premises, ” she says. Jean-Michel Blanquer will focus on the development of activities of “sport, health, citizenship, and culture (2S2C)” by the local authorities, to allow the reception of children outside the school setting.

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About 200 municipalities have for the moment expressed their interest. But ” the financial compensation announced by the State are too low, and the lack of human resources “, critical Agnès Le Brun. On the side of the federations of parents of pupils, such as CIPF, it is suggested to” open all public places such as libraries, gyms or parks ” to accommodate children whose parents need to return to work.

In the second degree, it is the condition of the premises. Before knowing if they will be able to re-open the schools do their calculations. “I shall probably not be able to offer every student more than one-day courses every fortnight,” says Jean-Roch Pioch, headmaster of a high school of 1,100 students in Aurillac (Cantal).

” If the schools re-opened, it is necessary that one explains to us why “, says Philippe Vincent, secretary general of the SNPDEN, the first union of school leaders. According to him, the goal can’t be “school” and it may not be a “resume contact” with students sometimes lost sight of, or to prepare for their journey next year. “With the current protocol, a recovery mass is in any way technically impossible “, slice-t-it.

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