Niklas Ludwig came in his dream a big step closer: The Kirchdorfer wants to on his 18th birthday. Birthday finishing in July an Ironman. The Test he has passed now with flying colors.

Kirchdorf/Freising – “I’m just happy.” A young man who has just made a big step towards his big dream, and has proven that he can create something that only a few create says. Niklas Ludwig from Kirchdorf, 17 years young, has Swimming on Sunday in a Triathlon-1.9 km, 90 km Cycling and 21.1 km of Running in 4:16:45 hours – a time, he even fight in international competition, presumably, the entire competition would have distanced, in his age class.

+ Well, in the Occurs: The 17-Year-old was thought to be on the triathlon bike, nearly 16 minutes faster than.©David Ludwig, @photographdtl

But that is not the Niklas Ludwig. He wants to at the 5. July, on his 18th birthday. Birthday, an Ironman – so twice the distance in under ten hours to finish. But he doesn’t need a big stage. After the Event was moved to Klagenfurt, where he wanted to start on his birthday, due to the Corona location, he decided private and only for himself and his family, the legendary 3.8 km Swim, to cope with 180 km Biking and 42,195 km of Running. His parents, his brother, the grandpa, the grandma – they were all there on Sunday, as Niklas took home the County first, the half Ironman distance in attack and this “test race” with flying colors mastered.

“‘d need a new pair of glasses invest”

+ Niklas Ludwig (17) wants to ensure one day as a Triathlon professional for attention.©Lehmann

Niklas had prepared the day before meticulously on his rehearsal for the Ironman as a Pro, he wants to be eventually. In terms of nutrition, that is: fat and proteins reduce and the focus on the carbohydrates place. “Early Sunday, there was only Toast with jam and honey,” says Niklas, “to me nothing is difficult in the stomach.” He went with his parents to Stoiber mill, where in the last hour before the Start to warm up, Strides, and stretching exercises were on the program. “I felt pretty good,” says the 17-Year-old – an assessment that should confirm in the following hours.

To 10.03 Niklas jumped in the lake – the Route is clear: From the Northern shores of the two Islands, and from there back to the shore, the Whole twice. Soon, however, his swimming began to were glasses to dam, “at some point I’ve seen only green in front of me”. The result: “I’m first too far to the left, Central on the island swam, and then too far to the right.” The bottom line is that he had to put 180 Extra meters back. “After I had removed the glasses briefly to Orient myself, I found quickly back into my rhythm.”

“It was awesome”

His interim balance sheet after 1.9 kilometers in the water: a time of 32:21 minutes, 30 minutes were planned. “But given the small detour a solid performance – especially because I was not able to last train in the swimming pool. And I’ve learned that I need to invest before the Race in a new pair of glasses would.“

After that, it ran better and better The Cycling Route led by the Stoiber mill from over Gaden, Langenbach and Hague to the Amper valley to the village of Allershausen, in the mountain after Sünzhausen high and then Pulling, Freising, the airport and the Eittinger Moos back to the lake and since Niklas made the right Tempo. According to the Motto, with the wind from the back to take something back, and to push against the wind strong, he burnt a time of 2:14:11 hours on the tarmac – actually, he had estimated two and a half hours for the 90 km. “It was awesome. I would not have believed that I can get a lot of minutes,“ says the 17-Year-old. At least now the “faux pas was forgotten” during the Swim.

muscle soreness is not as bad as expected

The final half of the marathon had it but again. At first, he had to be on the course by the river ISAR, a little problems with the leg muscles, what with him after the Cycling is more often the case. However, the muscles loosened. To km 14, he was able to run a good speed, but out the back it was getting harder and harder: “I gehangelt mental from tree to tree,” says Niklas. And the tactic worked: As he fell overjoyed into the goal, stand the clock in a time of 1:28:20 hours – so he had raced in comparison to his target again for a Minute and 40 seconds.

+ The last Meter: After a total of 4:16:45 hours, the kirchdorfer came to the finish.©Lehmann

“It was cool to go to my own limit,” says Niklas. Clearly, his body’s need for now a Pause, – “but my head had already shortly after the race on the right block and the Ironman in six weeks. And the time is a message.“ 4:16:45 hours he has for his – by the way, even sophisticated – Triathlon-Route needed. So he was over 13 minutes faster than planned. That he on 5. July, double the distance – so four laps in the lake of the Stoiber mill, as well as twice with the same bike and running trails – in front of the chest, not scare him: “I’ve seen that.” And also the goal, to create his own personal Ironman in under ten hours, was more than realistic. “According to the General rule of thumb, take the time from the half-Ironman times two and a hour has to be added, it could even go in the direction of 9:30 hours,” says the 17-Year-old. What strengthened him, added: “of Course I had to race right after the Test, quite a bit of muscle soreness. But it was not as bad as I would have expected.“

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