A new missive to the intention of Édouard Philippe. On Tuesday, may 26, Xavier Bertrand (ex-RL) and Jean Rottner (LR) have written to Edward Philip to urge him to “ratify promptly the passing in green zone” of the Hauts-de-France and the Great eastern. These two regions are still in the red. The correspondence to which the Agency France-Presse has obtained a copy emphasizes that” in the light “of public Health data in France” and at least that of implicit criteria which are not expressly stated in the regulations in force are applied, it is little understandable that our regions are still in red on the map of France as the health situation does not justifies it more.”

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” Our communities are stigmatized by this marking particularly degrading to the symbolic level “, argue they. “Needless to say that such a coloring is not conducive to the attractiveness of our territories, who have already suffered so much of the health crisis itself (1 679 dead in the Hauts-de-France and 5 127 dead in the Big East) and who are now to inflict a double punishment “. At the time of the déconfinement on may 11, four regions (Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Is Great, and Burgundy and Franche-Comté) and 32 departments in total, including Mayotte, were classified as ” red ” because of the traffic that is always fast of the virus and the risk of saturation of the hospitals as it resulted in.

A recession 8.2 points of GDP to provide

Three criteria have been laid down in article 2 of the decree of may 11, for the passage in the “green zone” : the ability to perform the tests, virological, bed-occupancy rates of resuscitation by patients positive Covid-19 not exceeding 60%, and the number of passages to the emergency room for suspicion of Covid-19 less than 6 %. The two presidents of region jugen, moreover, that, in the face of a “recession of 8.2 percentage points of GDP to be expected” in 2020, ” there is little about maintaining measures helping to slow the economic recovery in regions weighing in at more than 14 % of French GDP “.

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The tourism sector has also ” suffered dramatically from the crisis of health “, MR Bertrand and Rottner deem to be ” essential to engaging visitors to come back quickly to spend their holidays in the north and the east of France, which cannot be considered in a red region “. “In the light of these considerations, we would like that to be implemented in the shortest possible time, the provisions envisaged by the decree of may 11, 2020, under which it is appropriate for the regions of Hauts-de-France and Great Is to be classified green “, they stress.

writing will advise you

Coignard – Strongly the truce of confineurs !