Sweden is The only european country not to have imposed confinement to its population. That is the reverse of its neighbours, the government had held that the individual responsibility of its inhabitants, was sufficient to stem the pandemic of Covid-19, instead of imposing strict rules. A strategy of non-containment is now criticized by the population that is concerned about the record figures of the mortality, reports The Figaro.

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protests are beginning to organize around the country to denounce a lack of discernment on the part of the authorities. This Sunday, may 24th, in Stockholm, about thirty people protested. To mark the spirits, they paraded with a coffin dummy, exposing very clearly the number of deaths of the Covid-19 in the country. The signs showed they “Help” Sweden “.

The daily rate of mortality is the highest in the world

according To the research of the university of Oxford, Sweden has recorded since the 14th of last may, and until 20 may (except for a couple of days), the daily rate of mortality is the highest on an international level. The bar 4 000 deaths have been taken on Monday, may 25. This week, the Sweden regrets of 4.5 deaths per day per million inhabitants, that is to say, twenty times more than its neighbor finland.

For the protesters regrouped on Sunday, it is the result of the inaction of the government. “You have to be stupid to do things differently than the rest of the world, being convinced that he was right,” says August, a student cited by our colleagues. Protests were also held on the social networks where some point out a ” lie ” of the authorities. The health Agency has also been referred to in a column published Thursday on the website of Aftonbladet by 6 doctors who called on the government and the Parliament to raise awareness of this balance sheet as ” catastrophic “.

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The Swedish Agency of health prefers to remain prudent in the face of these numbers, which must be returned in their context “, as explained by the epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. “It will be necessary to wait until the end of the epidemic” to take stock of the pandemic. The specialist relies on the fact that the dead would not be counted in the same manner throughout the territory.

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