The Federal government put an end to the global travel warning is preparing for tourists from the age of 15. June for 31 European countries, if the development of the Corona of a pandemic to allow it. In addition to the 26 partner countries of Germany in the European Union, the EU leaked the UK and the four countries in the border-free Schengen area, which is not a member of the EU: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein belong.

according to The draft key issues paper with the title “criteria for the facilitating of intra-European tourism”, possibly to be decided on Wednesday in the Cabinet and the German press Agency.

travel warning to individual travel advice replaces

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had become the world’s travel warning on may 17. March in favour of a unique step. This ban is not a travel, but travel cancellations booked. The travel warning is to be replaced – so the Plan by the individual trip information, showing for each individual country risks.

to date travel warnings were imposed only in the case of a danger for life and limb, especially in war zones like Syria or Afghanistan. In the past few weeks, more than 240 have been brought to 000 because of a capped flight and ferry stranded tourists in an unprecedented move back to Germany.

lifting of the travel warning shortly before the holiday season

the lifting of The travel warning now just in time before the holiday season, the start signal for cross-border summer-type holiday in Europe. Let yourself be guided by the thought that “the revival of tourism is important both for travelers and the German Travel industry as well as for economic stability in the respective countries of destination”, – stated in the already largely harmonized the draft of the Federal foreign office.

in order To ensure the best possible protection of the tourist in front of a Corona-infection, the Federal government in the EU for a number of common criteria. Among other things, it proposes the Adoption of the limit of 50 new infections per 100 000 inhabitants within seven days by the other European countries. In Germany, an Exceeding of this limit leads to a re-introduction of an already abolished Anti-Corona measures.

countries, Anti-Corona, the aim is to develop concepts

in Addition, the individual countries “sustainable concepts” to the observance of clearance rules, and hand hygiene should develop, to the Wearing of masks and to the ventilation and disinfection of premises. The protection concepts should also include plans for the event of the disease by travelers, as well as sufficient testing capacity, quarantine, and treatment options demonstrate. In addition, the recommendations of the EU would have to act-Commission for the safety of passengers and personnel in transport means such as aircraft, to be implemented, – stated in the paper from the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

The European Commission should develop a procedure for the assessment of the protection measures adopted. On this basis, the competent Federal ministries want to make “consensual recommendations on protection measures”. In this case, the relationship between the infection should be risk assessed and protection measures taken, as well as the regional differences in the individual countries. Differences explained: The travel note, security advice and travel warning PCP mean explains the differences: The travel note, security advice and travel warning

What is with Travel to Germany mean?

As Leave and Travel together, hang out, feel also the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) will be addressed. Because the intra-European travel will not work as a one-way street. This means: If German go back to Italy or fly in, also can the Italians come back to Germany.

And what, then, of the also to mid-June in force EU-wide entry restrictions for people from third countries? This should generally be extended, it could be that travel between EU countries is again possible to Enter the country from Non-EU States that may be affected much less by the pandemic, however, remained prohibited.

Seehofer wants is to be understood, in any case, a scheme for the citizens in a logical and easy to use. Therefore, it could be that the discussions drag on to something else. A further indication: a meeting of the so-called Corona-Cabinet, of Seibert, according to government spokesman Steffen also to intra-European travel would have to go, had been cancelled this Monday. For justification, it was said, the decisions were not yet “ripe for decision”. In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the
