The auxiliary to the hospital in Dachau’s history: In the past few days, volunteer forces have built in the converted Hotel. Treated not a single Corona-Patient had to be there. And as the experiences show, would have suited the rooms, only to a limited extent.

Since several days there are in the district, no Corona infections in the clinic of Dachau, only eleven Covid be currently treated 19 patients, three of them in the ICU. The to a emergency hospital for the area of the monitoring station Fürstenfeldbruck been converted into a Hotel Select in Dachau-Ost, take about five weeks, was ready for patients, was built back at the weekend. How well, after several weeks of clinical experience, turned out, would not have been the Hotel as an auxiliary hospital “ideally suited”, as Wolfgang Reichelt, press spokesman for the Dachau district office, announced.

99 oxygen supplied, the beds were the new Corona auxiliary hospital in the Newton street – for patients not ventilated, but only with one oxygen and inhalation therapy must be supplied, and a low level of nursing care need. Now have been, according to Reichelt, however, that Corona-Ill, in need of oxygen therapy, usually require a greater care and for a Hotel was not ideal. It was not wrong for the Hotel to convert, emphasized the press Secretary, “but due to the clinical results, the company has revised the framework for an auxiliary hospital.” Again one should need to be set up, then you’ll have to rely on other buildings.

But first of all, “we are pleased that the assessment of the experts did not come true,” said. A wave of Corona infections had been told for the Easter week in advance, in the peak of the pandemic, the beds in the hospitals in the area of the monitoring station Fürstenfeldbruck, almost, feared by the experts. And so, it was with the establishment of the Auxiliary hospital at the Select Hotel in Dachau-Ost for patients from the counties of Dachau, Fürstenfeldbruck, Landsberg, and Starnberg. Since Easter Monday, the Notklinik was ready (we reported). Fortunately, not a single Patient had to be taken.

Therefore, the leadership group of civil protection, in coordination with the government of upper Bavaria and by the Bavarian state government, the Corona ruled the hospital in Dachau Aid to reduce again. The Material of the free state of Bavaria to the available mattresses, safety equipment, oxygen bottles – will be in the camp shelters for the disaster, is kept.

“For the Dismantling of the THW and twelve fire were used to fight back under the leadership of the circle of fire, the inspection of Dachau,” as the district fire inspector Maximilian Reimoser announced. The fire brigades Altomünster, Haimhausen, Hebertshausen, Markt indersdorf, Niederroth, upper Roth, Pellheim, Peter Hausen, Röhrmoos, Schwabhausen, four churches, and Weichs involved in the Work with crew and equipment.

“a Total of 645 forces contributed to around 3200 hours of voluntary service for the pandemic management in the district of Dachau”, accounted for Reimoser. The tasks included: construction of the Corona test track in the Indian village with adjustments to the requirements, construction of medical tents in front of the emergency funding of the clinics in Dachau and Indersdorf, building medical tents for the temporary accommodation of the KVB-practice in Indian village, relocation of the KVB-practice, and reverse relocation, installation and removal of the Auxiliary hospital in Dachau, Warndurchsagen on the output restrictions imposed by the MRP group to Warn of the district of Dachau in several week-ends/public holidays (fire Ampermoching fight back, Hilgert Hausen, Pasenbach, mores Creek and the THW), the transportation of protective equipment, Disinfectants and equipment from the country of procurement, distribution of protective equipment and disinfectant for the care facilities and the parish associations in the district.