The plan was announced massive, it is actually with, as leitmotiv, the return of buyers at the dealership, and the reorientation of the French production on high technologies. In detail, the president and Emmanuel Macron has outlined a number of measures, some of which will have to be entered from a flight before they are obsolete.

also Read “Car : what we need to remember the plan of 8 billion euros and”

The total effort made by the State for the sub-sector has been amounted to more than 8 billion euros, including all the aid that has already been announced since the start of the crisis (collateralized loans, partial unemployment…). This total includes € 2 billion of measures announced on Tuesday. Here are the main points.

Stimulation of the purchases automotive

The State consents to an effort of one billion euros to support the request.

– Increase the bonus green for the purchase of an electric vehicle nine. As early as June 1st, for a particular, it goes from 6 000 to 7 000 euros. For a legal person (company, community), it goes from 3 000 to 5 000 euros.

Return a bonus eco for the purchase of a hybrid vehicle (gasoline-electric) rechargeable. There already existed between 2015 (4 000 euro) and 2018 (1 000 euros) before disappearing, an injustice to a driver who made a big financial effort to acquire this technology. Its a fixed amount of 2 000 euros, provided that the vehicle has a self-sufficient and, with the commitment of the manufacturer to promote the usage of electric during the sale. It is necessary that its price be less than 50 000 euros.

– the Strengthening and simplification of the premium to the conversion, a sort of bonus to the case. The device, under conditions of income (income tax reference lower than 18 000€), provides for a premium to purchase a recent vehicle (new or used) in exchange for the scrapping of an old car. In the case of buying a car recent petrol or diesel, the amount is fixed at € 3 000, and 5 000 euros for an electric vehicle.

The device will be capped at 200 000 bonuses and it will need to be fast to benefit from it. It will end in all cases to December 31, 2020.

also Read “car Plan : the delicate mix of aids”

– Acceleration of the deployment of charging stations to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. The goal is to reach 100 000 charging stations in public access in France has been advanced by one year, to the end of 2021. A mutual fund will be created to assist in the installation of charging stations in condominiums.

The public purchases of cars for the year 2020 will be anticipated in the next three months to accelerate the ramp-up of plants. A target of 50 % of vehicles electric, hybrid or hydrogen is attached to these commands.

business Support

The State wants to encourage investment to produce, in France, the electric and hybrid vehicles, with a fund for the investment of nearly one billion euros, divided into three panes :

– 200 million euros of subsidies to help oems and subcontractors in their modernisation and increase in range. Objective : to modernize the production chain, to promote the automation, the digitization, innovation, eco-friendly.

– Create an investment fund of 600 million euros to intervene in own funds over the whole of the sector’s companies. The State will provide 400 million euros and the two major French car manufacturers (Renault and PSA) 100 million euros each. It will help in particular to support small-scale businesses at risk of bankruptcy.

– 150 million euros will be mobilised to develop the innovation and the research and development of the automotive sector in france to develop the vehicle of the future.