At the Central station of Munich, a spirited 27 prevented-Year-old with coke worse. He had previously noticed a fire in a parked train.

Unknown gezündelt on Central station Munich* on a train toilet. A 27-noted Years and his mother of the danger. The Freisinger handle then to an unusual tool. More News from Munich you find in our App . The Download* works .

Munich – The 27-year-old Hendric New has been prevented by his courageous Intervention, a much bigger Brand on the Central railway station* . He put out flames in a train with Cola out of the box.

fire at the Munich Central station: “I saw out of the corner of your eye…”

The 27-Year-old from the circle of Freising went on Sunday shortly before 11 p.m. with his mother at the Track 26* along. The 62-Year-old from the district of Cuxhaven was her son’s guest, the two wanted to make a trip.

“I have to angle the flame in the train,” says Hendric New. To be sure, a rose from the 27-Year-old and looked at the Seats in a passenger compartment crumpled up Newspapers, which were quite obviously been fired.

Munich Central station: Rescue action with Cola, “I thought feverishly,”

“I thought feverishly, how do I get the fire,” says the 27-Year-old. Him the coke was in his backpack that he had Packed for the trip. With the sticky liquid, he put out the flames. “The fabric seats would have developed, it’s sure to be a bigger Brand,” says Hendric New.

+ to Put out a fire in a train with a Cola out of the can: Hendric New from the district of Freising.©private

a Suspected arsonist at the main station in Munich – the request of the police

German Federal police officers came and extinguished by a fire extinguisher, the flames completely. It turned out that someone had placed in the toilet bowl, a roll of paper in a fire.

The Federal police is now looking for a 1.80 meters tall man , had just risen before the fire was discovered, from the train. Instructions under 089/5 15 55 01 11 .

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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