The hosts in Munich to move to the Corona-relaxations of a bitter balance sheet: guests of stay, an operator must file for bankruptcy.

business for pubs in München in accordance with the Corona*Runs-easing again? The subject was in the city Council München . Many companies had to file for bankruptcy – despite Local strategy* . More news from Munich you find in our App* .

Munich – For well over a week, the allowed to open external hospitality* again – at first only to 20 o’clock. And for the past two days, the catering is allowed in the indoor area. The guest storms now houses and beer host gardens? By no means. the Christian Schottenhamel , Munich, Dehoga-in-chief undNockherberg*host, moved on Tuesday in the city Council, a sobering conclusion* .

the mood in The industry was “bad”. He had looked around on Monday in the city. Many Local had been closed, some yawningly empty. He did not know whether the people were feeling insecure or unwillingness prevails. The situation was paradoxical: “We are celebrating, that is opened – but it comes none.”

Corona-crisis in Munich: gastronomy complains of “death on the installment plan”

SCHOTT Hamel said, if only a allowed 50 percent of utilization* * * and then also a lot of places empty, remained, could not cover most of the restaurateurs times the costs. The Situation is alarming. Schottenhamel spoke of a “death on the installment plan”. In the case of many hosts, the lease was deferred, but not waived.

Wolfgang Fischer , head of the retail Association City partners informed the evaluation Schottenhamels that the business anlaufe in trade and catering “very subdued”. Several industry representatives had on Tuesday in the city Council the right to speak, because it was a package of measures to address the consequences of the Corona-crisis* .

Munich Gastro in the Corona-crisis concept with a dispensing areas

Besides financial aid, the extension of free dispensing areas* like the concept of the “summer reported in the city,” part of the overall strategy. As showmen and market merchants, because of the cancellation of the Oktoberfest* on places your business can build. Cultural professionals are to be found on a small stage area for performances.

meanwhile, the Gasteig cult and food GmbH had to sign up for bankruptcy. The Local host, the Le copain , the pause gastronomy and Catering counts. Operator Marc evil Mr is cited by media with the words: “The Corona-crisis has brakes fully extended.”

+ Marc evil Lord has proclaimed to the end Of the gastronomy at the Gasteig.©Oliver Bodmer

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©Oliver Bodmer