in The end, it was Munich’s surprise winner. The Alpine metropolis is the next IAA and 2021 will fall next to the world famous Oktoberfest the next Mega-Event. Frankfurt had weggemobbt the fair with a lack of political support, quasi -, and also the favorite of Berlin was, ultimately, as a trade fair location.

Berlin flew out of it, not because of Anti-car policy?

The reasons that the car industry Association VDA, as the organiser of the Show for its choice, remain open. The race between Munich, Berlin and Hamburg, to last be just. However, one can not assume that the Auto-hostile policy of the German capital city – Diesel-driving bans, often bizarre traffic calming measures in the districts of Berlin and a target private car driving ban was from 2030-conducive, to get a modern car exhibition in Berlin. There does not appear to have helped the new Tesla factory on the outskirts of Berlin, which is even welcomed by competitors such as VW chief Herbert Diess explicitly.

the field of tension between fun to drive and traffic turning

Now, Munich – as one of the favorites in a city without a Diesel-driving bans by the way. But you mustn’t be fooled. Also in Munich, in the interests of raging turn-fight to the so-called Traffic. So a secret string-list of the city appeared, for example, shortly before the forthcoming local elections: thousands of Parking spaces and the number of lanes will be eliminated, so that wider cycle lanes to be built . This is welcomed by many residents, but not all of them – and also the dam might exacerbate the Situation of the city. One thing is certainly clear: The next IAA will be held in a different environment than in the past years and decades. The challenge of the fair is to link classic fun to drive and the PS-cars of the German car maker with new mobility concepts and the modern Trend of sustainability. Cattle man, A navigation system shows traffic jams in Munich

The plant Munich, presented for the next IAA

in the run-up to the decision, the Munich trade fair had the key points of the new Show. “It is one of the most interesting tasks in an international trade-fair business,” says trade fair boss Klaus Dittrich to FOCUS Online. The concept has convinced the VDA in the end. This is planned for the Alpine metropolis:

  • The Core mass is smaller – it is only 13 out of the 18 exhibition halls are to be filled. The Rest of the events will be held in other locations around the Olympic Park or in the city center (“IAA-Islands”).
  • The Show will also be shorter – it is only planned for six days (from 7. up to 12.9. 2021).
  • visitors will get the chance to testing rides – and not just with cars, but also electric scooters, Autonomous driving vehicles and other mobility ideas. A pure Auto-focus it will be at the Show so. Whether the same is true of the interest of the visitors, remains to be seen.
  • For the IAA is to be established between the event places a direct U-Bahn line, with fewer stops and stops.
  • One of the concepts presented should be the “ downtown-oriented car ” instead of “car-friendly city centre”. Because Munich has a large storage Problem. The city appears frequently in statistics in the charts, the jam’s richest German cities. The inner city ring of Munich in the future will be entirely car-free. With this field of tension between individual motorized mobility, and other mobility the new auto show will have to deal with forms. All of the build thickness of the electric SUV, Mini, however, are: the City-Stromer in the first Test, FOCUS Online/Wochit All the build thickness of the electric SUV, Mini, however, are: the City-Stromer in the first Test

At the IAA in Munich, with the U-Bahn

the VDA and the trade fair Munich share, according to information from FOCUS Online, the event risk, the fair is driving a co-organiser. Profits are shared in a “Revenue Share”model. If the Show was supposed to flop, thus the fair company, is also a part of the risk. The organizers should be clear: The new IAA only has to sit a mark-up and the must. Cattle man with Two electric cars at a public charging station in Munich – including a E-SUV

Munich is electro-affine

The Bavarian state government supports the exhibition explicitly; in contrast to Berlin, by the way, in the rotrotgrünem the Senate, the Greens had the IAA already been rejected. 15 million euros will flow as a first step, from the current budget of Bavaria for mobility and infrastructure. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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One advantage the city has already: The charging infrastructure for electric cars in comparison to other cities very well. Because, of course, the IAA 2021 will be a fair in which the Stromer games in all shapes and colors have a great role. If extrapolated to the news of the car maker, is likely to be the Show even the first major auto show, when more electric cars and Hybrids are shown as a classical gas. Cattle, man, The BMW headquarters, the famous four-cylinder, will contribute to the IAA 2021 the IAA Logo. And also new electric China-cars such as the Nio ES8 in the foreground will be at the next Autoshow, probably more often

BMW wants to see four-cylinder

For the manufacturer BMW will impose the Show is a home game, build in Munich, but cars in the city – including, in the future, also the new Tesla opponents i4. However, this home could be belching the other German car manufacturers also sour. Therefore, the people of Munich are likely to be unlikely to want to push to the fore. A concrete measure, it was decided, according to information from FOCUS Online already: At the headquarters of BMW, the famous “four-cylinder” in sight of the Olympic Park, wants to cover up the BMW Logo for the period of the exhibition with the Logo of the IAA Verde.