Agnès Buzyn spell of silence. The former minister of Health had disappeared from the media for more than two months. Her latest release in the media dates back to the 17 of march last, when she had described the holding of the first round of the municipal elections of “masquerade” in the columns of the World. “When I left the ministry, I was crying because I knew that the wave of the tsunami was in front of us. I went in knowing that the elections would not take place. […] Since the beginning, I thought only one thing : the coronavirus. We would have had to stop everything, it was a farce “, had assured the candidate LREM in Paris, triggering a lively controversy in the passage.

Read also Agnès Buzyn has been placed under police protection

the water was, it seems, flowed under the bridges. In a new interview granted to the Figaro, Agnès Buzyn made his mea culpa. “The word masquerade was certainly too strong – people who know me know that I am a woman civilized, but I often have a language that is very direct. I am sorry to have used that word “, she explains, specifying that only to have had ” the firm conviction that the second round [of the municipal, ED.] could not take place “. “This was not a certainty. But a hunch, an intuition that is strong that if the epidemic was happening in France at this time, and that if the pic was in march, we would have some difficulties to hold the elections. The reality has shown that I am not deceived “, she adds, regretting to have talked about ” hot “and including his comments and the use of the term “masquerade” may have shocked viewers.

Read also Municipal in Paris : Agnès Buzyn, ” fixed “, maintains its application

the work of The government welcomed

But Agnes Buzyn also remains straight in his boots at the time to discuss the crisis. “I am alleged to have had intuitions that were good, to have it said may be too early. A week before the election, the experts said that it was a grippette, and that the policies were too many, ” she adds, confirming that they have alerted as early as January, the president of the Republic and the Prime minister on the coronavirus and the beginning of the epidemic in China. It does niggle, however, not to Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe the maintenance of the first round of the municipal. “A decision is built on a political consensus and scientific, on the basis of facts. This consensus was for the maintenance. The government could not take the decision alone to cancel the elections, on the eve of it “, she says.

The former minister salutes, in passing, the management of the crisis of the couple executive, ” very reactive “, and the government, ” which has managed to adapt “. “We can be proud of the steps that have been taken in our country, whether on the health or economic,” according to Agnès Buzyn, a tribute, in passing, to his successor in the ministry, Olivier Véran, a “note minister” with that “he [it] comes to redeem” in these last few weeks. “Today, I know that we have been extremely engaged, and probably ahead of a large number of countries “, she says.

Placed under police surveillance, she also regretted the violence of the criticism and attacks that have targeted her and her family. “There has been a surge in the media of an unheard-of violence, of about complotistes, anti-semitic, on the social networks. I was able to appear as a scapegoat. So I preferred to wait until the fear dies down. This period marked my family, my children, and it also takes to heart that the truth is restored, ” she says to explain his silence in the media.

“I don’t want to leave Anne Hidalgo full powers”

Agnès Buzyn, who says he is ready to respond to the commission of inquiry on the management of the crisis of the coronavirus, took the opportunity to get back on the maintenance of his candidacy in the second round of municipal in Paris. She claims to have taken the time to think, hence the silence on this subject in recent weeks. “I decided to maintain my candidacy by conviction, because I have always wanted to commit myself to Paris, and to all the people who wish this third way, to start for all voters parisians who had confidence in me in the first round. I don’t want to leave Anne Hidalgo full powers “, she says, for the hand again to Cédric Villani, a former member of LREM. “It is time we meet again “, she explains about this, ensuring that the 17,26 % of the votes collected in the first round are ” a good score “.

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