in Ischgl, which once stood for ski slopes, snow and Party. To about 1600 inhabitants and more than 10,000 guest beds and 239 kilometers of ski slopes. “Relax, if you can” is the Marketing Slogan of the small Austrian town. The relaxed atmosphere is gone since it is clear that spread of the Coronavirus to the whole of Europe.

The allegations against those responsible for on-site weigh heavy: Already on 5. In March, there were warnings that an Icelandic travel group, the ski resort had been infected. But the skiing continued for days.

influence of the Ischgl-returnees to the Virus-spread in Germany

Now the Institute for the world economy has been evaluated in Kiel, what is the influence of the returnees from Ischgl had on the spread of the Virus in Germany. The authors of the Study come to the conclusion that a geographical proximity to Ischgl is one of the main risk factors for a relatively high rate of infection in the population. So counties that lie particularly close to the so-called “super spreader-Location” rates, are systematically higher infection than more distant.

For the study, the experts have evaluated the data of the Robert Koch Institute from the 401 German counties. The circle of Vorpommern-Rügen, the most of Ischgl opposite the German district is. “Were all the German circles as far away from Ischgl as the County Vorpommern-Ruegen, there would be in Germany, nearly 50 percent less infection with the Coronavirus,” said IfW President Gabriel Felbermayr. “A ten percent a shorter trip to Ischgl, increases the rate of infection in an average of nine percent,” said Felbermayr. imago stock&people, thousands of skiers from all over Europe meet every year in Ischgl, Austria

Around Heinsberg no similar effect is visible

Particularly interesting is The influence that the proximity to Ischgl on the infection has happened, has not changed over the course of time. The particularly close to Ischgl-lying districts remain more affected than others. For comparison, the scientists also investigated the German-Corona-Hotspot Heinsberg. There is no similar geographic effect was observed.

Confirmed to the researchers, the Hypothesis that the slow response on the Corona-infections was in Ischgl “fatal”. They refer to Ischgl as “Ground Zero” of the German Corona distribution. Data from the 20. March 2020 show that a third of all cases in Denmark and one-sixth of all cases in Sweden could be attributed to Ischgl and back. The study shows that Timely travel bans can curb the spread of the Virus – and popular destinations, such as Ischgl play a very special role.

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Also religious affiliation plays a role

in addition to the geographical proximity, reveal the data of the Kiel Institute yet another interesting factor: the proportion of the Catholic population. This effect IfW President Felbermayr back on the many carnival celebrations, the end of February, especially in Catholic places took place. Even then many infections with Covid-19 are due in Germany. Salt-water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than PCP salt water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than I thought
