The most important answer first of all: together, We must do everything to make it out of this recession not a Depression. And this is under “Corona”conditions! That is to say: We must bring the country and its people from the “self-isolation” and the “new normal” of Hygiene and distance rules back in the movement and the trust of the majority of citizens in the forces for Growth of the Social market economy back to win. The demands of government and parliaments, but also of science and economic truth and clarity and, in contrast to the beginning of the crisis, full transparency of the decision-making processes.

This is easier said than done. For now, there is no “Bazooka” and more. The public insurance plans do not give much, the debt will explode and tax receipts fall. Which prohibits the distribution of tax money with the watering can! Instead, the policy must now for the due restart a “power package” that improves the framework conditions for economic growth and the proven economic performance of our country is:

1. Company taxes, solos abolish

It is especially other to unleash the power of forces of our economy, with almost four million small, medium and large companies. The “Lockdown” has All the brakes in the competition, Most of the weakened massively and not a Few existentially threatened, or even of the existence of brought. You need to secure and create jobs fast relief. And this requires, above all, a lowering of the corporate taxation that is in this country without this, the second highest in Europe! Exciting, but just no time?

Now save articles for later, in “the Pocket”

The fastest way to expanded possibilities for loss carry-forwards – and -after-statement, as well as declining-balance depreciation on investments seem much. Both should be set for companies of all sizes, primarily in power. Moreover, well-targeted assistance need to come to measures for the so far hardly considered, areas such as the creative artists, event managers, tour operators and bus operators, showman, or restaurateurs. Thrust into the whole of the economy, for consumers, in particular for medium-sized companies but only an early and complete abolition of the “Soli”, as far as possible with effect from 1. July 2020. It is long – probably for legal reasons – is due. The Person

Wolfgang Clement Prime Minister of North Rhine, from 1998 to 2002-Westphalia from 2002 to 2005, the Federal Minister for economic Affairs and labour in the Cabinet of Gerhard Schröder. There, he headed two separate departments, he was called “super Minister”. After 37 years of membership, he resigned in 2008 from the SPD, as the party developed, according to his view, in the direction of the left party and the greens. Since then, he is a non-party social liberal. Clement is the winner of the Ludwig Erhard prize for economic journalism.

2. A reduction in or abolition of the EEG-levy

Our electricity prices, burdening consumers and traders on all dimensions. The price of Electricity on the stock exchange is currently around 4 cents, in the normal market on average at a good 30 cents/kwh. There are now – driven by taxes, levies and EEG-price levy – the highest Power! This is no longer acceptable. Best: The immediate abolition, at least the drastic reduction of the EEG apportionment, which was soon to be seen in the European CO2 Regime transferred. The only way equality of Competition is to produce.

3. Funds must be used exclusively for the promotion of innovation projects

Europe as a major region of the world in competition with the United States and China finally his whole scientific and economic Potential to the full. This requires above all a common market for energy and the digital economy with a common set of rules and Standards and common networks.

The Chancellor and the President of Macron’s favorite 500-billion Fund as part of a larger “reconstruction Fund” of the EU should therefore be used exclusively for the promotion of innovation projects in these fields and, in particular, for the development and Expansion of cross – border networks, for example, hydrogen infrastructures. This would benefit all member States.

4. In the global competition for Artificial intelligence get

“Corona” has opened for us, obviously, eyes and minds to new methods and new technologies. We recognize that we are in science and research – for example, in the biotechnology world – class level and also on other fields via an extraordinary Potential for excellent researchers and developers have.

This ought to encourage us in Germany, as in Europe, is finally on the offensive, and with a concentrated use of resources in global competition and with the new procedures and technologies such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, quantum computing, 3D printing or synthetic biology to enter. A strong increase in the in January introduced research allowance, and the inclusion of companies of any size in this promotion would stimulate the innovation forces.

5. Digital education

it must say so clearly, Our education system today is, unfortunately, well below world-class level. In this area, the main countries responsible of this, your most important task is not to meet. The Federation and the Länder should take advantage of this, at least now the restart to after the experience of the “Corona”-time the topic of digital education in schools training and development from Hardware to pedagogy and didactics to address in a comprehensive manner.

This is going to take, according to experience. But a first progress, it should be in this year, namely: A basic digital equipment for all schools and – with the Laptop for all students from the fifth grade, particularly for students from low-income families. It’s a question of equality of opportunity and should be a matter of course.

6. Bureaucracy

flexibility instead of more extensive regulation of labor law and reduction of bureaucracy have long been part of the Repertoire of public discussions, where it is always a relief for the economy. Of concrete progress for the last two terms of office, the black-red coalition in the labour law to cut red tape to report, just a little.

it was, Therefore, here quoted, only one, in my opinion, the original proposal of the BDI: “The Federal government should entrust the National regulatory control Council, to identify the one hundred greatest bureaucratic burdens in case of a restart, to suspend in the short term and in the medium term, in parliamentary procedure to dismantle“.

7. The pension system of the future capable of

is One of the for a country in demographic change, important themes, namely the future of our pension, has installed the reigning coalition, a result of lack of convicts Commission, and, in my opinion, untenable “stop lines” to apply on the own term, in addition to, for the time being. You may suspect that you want to keep the conflict to a further extension of the working life from the neck. We shouldn’t fool ourselves: Not long after the General election of 2021, the future viability of our pension system is back on the political agenda. And since you heard a long time ago. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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