The application StopCovid pass the legislative impediment. The Parliament approved on Wednesday evening this tool of digital traces that should allow to accompany the second phase of the déconfinement. Despite the criticism of many critics, the Senate majority to the right has validated the project, a few hours after the national Assembly. A cleavage was created between members of parliament and senators of the right, and a few detracting voices in LREM.

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The government intends to launch in the coming days the application. In front of the Assembly and the Senate in the evening, the minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet has long insisted on “guarantees” about this application ” temporary, voluntary, non-referential and transparent “. Mps have approved the controversial project by a comfortable majority, by 338 votes to 215, and 21 abstentions. In the Senate, 186 senators voted for, including a majority of the LR group, 127 voted against and 29 abstained.

Five “walkers” have voted against. ”

both of These votes, while non-binding for the government, constitute a ground for satisfaction for the secretary of State in charge of digital Cédric O, in the first line on the subject, while the Prime minister, absent at the time of the parliamentary debate, seems wary. StopCovid ” will be useful in the fight against the virus. Our only goal is to save lives, ” responded Cedric O after the Senate vote.

also Read “It’s not even an app” : the beginnings of StopCovid criticized by experts

at the Meeting, five “walkers” have voted against the application, which the member Sacha Houlié, criticizing the “dangerousness” and “irreversibility” of this type of tools. Thirteen abstained, as Aurore Bergé. Apart from the IDUS, the opposition groups on the right as on the left voted against it almost unanimously, just as the RN.

“It is a French project”

On the basis of volunteerism, StopCovid will allow a person positive for the coronavirus to automatically alert all users with whom it has had a “prolonged contact” recently, less than a meter, and for more than fifteen minutes, in order that they might be tested in their turn. The government target especially the ” urban assets “, taking the ” public transport “, cross the “unknown” in the stores…

Read also Coronavirus : “Unfortunately, only a tracing generalized to be effective.”

According to Cedric O, StopCovid “provides a useful and necessary complement” to the health teams, which trace the persons in contact with patients for the coronavirus. The application uses bluetooth and not the geolocation, and ” it is a French project “, he also stressed.

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The preposterous story of StopCovid