, The police Academy of Saxony exclude three students from the study. The men should have called unconstitutional and Nazi slogans.

Three students of the police Academy to Sachsen unconstitutional Nazi-slogans called The police Academy is now the consequence and the men’s criminal dismisses legal investigations against the students continue to run

Rothenburg – The University of the Saxon police has excluded three of her students from the study. The dismissal is a consequence of an incident in February in which the three men Nazi-slogans called to have.

Nazi slogans to the police: Three men accused

“For us, it is quite clear that extremist ideas, regardless of the direction, has no place in the Saxon police, nothing,” said Thomas Knaup, spokesman for the school in Rothenburg. The budding Komissare had already received at the beginning of may the available to your reference.

The three men are accused of having, in February, in an apartment in Bautzen according to the Constitution, contrary to the slogans shouted. The police were called in initially because of a disturbance, the officers from the open window, “Sieg Heil” and “Heil Hitler”heard Cries. Shortly after, it turned out that the young men were Police cadets. All three lived at this time in Bautzen, two of them are, but according to the “Sächsische.de” out of the room, Torgau, and Delitzsch in the North of Saxony, one from Naumburg in Sachsen-Anhalt .

Due to extreme right-wing slogans: University in Saxony dismisses students

Against the two 18 – and a 22-year-old police students in the first year of study commenced investigation on suspicion of using symbols of unconstitutional organisations. The police Academy had then tried to distance themselves from their students. “Such behavior has no place at the Saxon police nothing, but also nothing to” had Knaup said in response to the incident. On the extreme right-wing attitude of the men there had been no prior indications. At that time, the Suspects were excluded initially from the study and for the duration of the investigation suspended from duty. In addition, we have evaluated the action, together with the other students.

The three suspected students had, according to Knaup the Status of an official cancellation. From a disciplinary point of view, the discharge from the police the only response to the incident. The men, however, had the opportunity against the dismissal of legal action. Meanwhile, the criminal investigations are still in progress. These are currently in the police Department Görlitz and the Prosecutor’s office.

to the extreme-Right police: a Problem Not only in Saxony

This is the first known case of right-wing extremist views on the police Academy in Rothenburg. However, in such cases, the police there are always. According to a parliamentary question on the Saxon Left was determined against round of 16 cops in Sachsen due to extreme right-wing tendencies. The Problem is not limited to Sachsen . In Hesse, all 38 police officers were due to right-wing extremist ideology* under suspicion. Extreme right-wing networks of the police in the state of Hesse were also behind the “NSU 2.0″scandal.* And in a Hessian police school students shared racist and anti-Semitic images in a Whatsapp group.

*fr.de is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital network.