Due to Corona offer once holiday destinations in the vicinity that can be reached with the car. If you take a rental car, you must consider a few things.

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/tmn) – In planes and trains a lot of foreign people come together in a confined space. Since many in times of Corona to drive your own car on holiday – or with a rental car. The automobile club of Germany (AvD) provides tips on what to look for when booking:

insurance protection: look Carefully at the price, it says here. On the liability beyond the insurance benefits are not automatically included in the base price, the car club. So theft and fully comprehensive coverage usually cost more. Without a fully comprehensive cover for the driver’s damages, he has to answer for themselves have to pay yourself.

Important also, Are tyre damage as well as damage to the discs or the ground covered by the offered additional insurance? A hedge against this damage, many landlords from closing, according to the AvD in your conditions.

those Who choose a contract with a deductible, pays less rent, but asked in the event of damage to the checkout. So, depending on the conditions of 300 to 1000 euros. A fully comprehensive protection without excess increase the rental payment under proportional, explain to the auto experts.

Extras: accessories such as navigation system or baby seats often cost an extra charge. Of kilometers to the limitations of the AvD discourages rather it will when Exceeding disproportionately expensive.

pick – up: The AvD advises, by telephone, to clarify, what are the stations for the pick-up and delivery of the car are actually open. Calm, after a corona-related special offer to inquire.

– damage: Prior to the Acquisition of the car renter should examine the car for damage on the outside and the inside. The best photos with the mobile phone advises of the AvD. Existing dents and scratches should be with a member of staff is logged.

– return: car rental-holidaymakers should plan enough time buffer to be able to have the car really during the opening Hours of return. Otherwise, additional charges part. The car also with a full Tank return. Otherwise the landlord when refilling often three euros per Liter into account, so the AvD.