much Maligned, even in its ranks to its strategic choice, Gérard Collomb, is under fire from his former colleagues in the government. The mayor of Lyon, beaten in the first round of municipal elections on 15 march, has decided to ally with The Republicans for the second round of voting. Christophe Castaner, the municipal official in lyon is ” loses[u] itself.”

“Gérard Collomb has lost the municipal elections in the first round” and today, ” this policy choice [to join forces with LR] the lost in the political field. In this attitude, he loses himself “, said the minister on RTL. “I know what it has brought to The Republic in march. This is bad news for him, and for us, ” added Christophe Castaner.

The mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb announced on Thursday an alliance with the right, which sees it disappear behind the candidate LR François-Noël Buffet for the strategic chairmanship of the metropolis. During the first round, on 15 march, his lists had been anticipated by those of Bruno Bernard (EELV), François-Noël Buffet (LR) or David Kimelfeld (LREM dissenting), its three main competitors in the 14 constituencies of the election.

also Read Lyon : Gérard Collomb will not be a candidate for the presidency of the metropolis

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